View Full Version : Cherry gloat

Paul Downes
02-22-2008, 12:42 AM
A friend of mine heats his wood products factory with wood and bought 10 yards of log butts from a local sawmill. He needed help sawing the butt sections into small enough chunks to fit in his furnace so I offered to buzz them up for him. It took me all of 3 seconds to spot a large cherry crotch in the pile so I charged him a "wood tax" and got a real nice blank 10" X 24" X 24" . I think I'm going to have to get a bigger lathe because I hate to think about swinging that monster on my Grizzly lathe.:D

Steve Schlumpf
02-22-2008, 8:42 AM
Let me be the first to Congrats you on your upcoming lathe upgrade!!

Seriously, looking forward to seeing what you turn out of the cherry!

Pat Doble
02-22-2008, 9:38 AM
That's how the inevitable lathe upgrade starts, a nice big chunk or two that you just can't fathom cutting up into 'little' blanks. :)

For me it was a bunch of box elder crotches I ended up with after helping someone take a tree down, then some ash and maple got added to the pile...... and then came Mustard:D.

Congratulations on the cherry.

Bernie Weishapl
02-22-2008, 10:13 AM
Congrats on the Cherry. Yep that how it starts. You turn that smaller piece which turns out beautiful and you think now if I had that 1642 or mustard think what a big piece would look like. :eek::rolleyes::cool:;)

Paul Downes
02-23-2008, 12:30 AM
Yah, Bernie, I drove a musturd machine once and really liked it. I was thinking about the new big Griz machine but was a little disapointed when I read the review in Fine wwing magazine. I definantly don't want an under powered machine.

I do actually make money from turnings and am thinking about squirreling awawy some of the profits into a lathe fund.......I might have to hide it in the barn to keep the wife from absconding with the $:D