View Full Version : Stand weight

Russ Peters
02-21-2008, 3:07 PM
I am a newbie and am looking at either the Jet or rikon (sp) mini lathe. what I want to know is should I get the stand that comes with it or build my own with either sandbags or steel ingots to hold it down. would like some type of drawer system to hold tools and finishing products but not sure if it is better to go with the manufacturers stand and have a shelf to the side or a bench with drawers under.


Bill Bolen
02-21-2008, 3:27 PM
Seems to me if you want a semi-built in tool storage cabinet, you would be better off to make your own. I've seen a bunch of home-mades on the web I would be proud to have. Seems the most functional are the ones with two rectanglar hollow legs that are then filled with sand. Make your own drawers or door opennings depending on what YOU want to store. Nothing against the Rikon or Jet stand, they both have good reputations...Bill..

Chris Fierro
02-21-2008, 3:46 PM
I have the Rikon on a stand that I featured in this thread:


I wouldn't do it any differently in retrospect. I had the goal of including drawers but have given up on that for want of maximizing blank storage space.

Ben Gastfriend
02-21-2008, 5:55 PM
I'd make your own. Only comment: if you have open storage like Chris, get some plastic shower curtain to prevent shavings from getting all in there. If you go with drawers, use magnet catches or something similar to prevent the lathe's vibrations from shaking them open.