View Full Version : Making the grain "POP"

Greg Deemer
02-21-2008, 9:43 AM
I am trying different finishes to make the wood and grain really "pop". But what I have found is that the colors and grains are being dulled (I think) during the sanding process. Sanding dust is infiltrating the pores of the wood and not giving it a crisp clean look. Any suggestions?:confused:

Steve Schlumpf
02-21-2008, 10:01 AM
Greg - you are sanding after applying the finishes? I make sure everything is completely sanded - then apply a Danish Oil of some type. After the oil has dried I apply a poly - if I want a high gloss finish. Using super fine grit sanding sponge I very lightly knock off any small bumps in the finish before applying another coat - but I do not 'sand' - just use very light touches.

Bernie Weishapl
02-21-2008, 10:10 AM
Also when you are finished sanding and ready to apply finish I run my air hose over the piece to make sure all sanding dust is gone. I will also run a tack cloth over it to make sure every thing is clean. I am like Steve. I do not sand when putting on finish. I will use 800 to 1000 grit just to take the nibs and bumps off.

steven carter
02-21-2008, 10:20 AM
After sanding, I use a paint brush and naptha. I give the piece a good washing down with the naptha which seems to wash all the dust out of the pores. Naptha dries pretty quickly. I then apply an oil finish.
