View Full Version : megnet tool holders and a catch

Chris Fierro
02-20-2008, 11:37 PM
So. I have been meaning to organize the mess of turning tools that have overtaken my workbench. Found a good deal on a 24" powerful magnetic tool holder. Tapcons and a few minutes and this nice little rack is mounted by my lathe.

I put the most used tools on it--gouges and parting tools. Went to use my 1/2" bowl gouge and it is magnetized! I know, I know. That makes sense. But it drags on my tool rest and is responsible for at least one catch.

What do people do as a solution to this? I know there are demagnetizing tools, do I need to buy one and remember to demagnetize my skews and gouges before use? That sounds terribly cumbersome. I guess I may have to rethink this tool holding setup, at least put the least used tools on it rather than the most used ones.

Anyone have advice?


Jim Becker
02-21-2008, 7:46 AM
If your tool is gaining that much "magnetic charge" that it's sticking to your rest, that's a serious safety issue. The majority of us use wood, etc., to build our tool storage solutions and that sounds like a better solution than the magnetic tool holder based on your experience.

Glenn Clabo
02-21-2008, 8:14 AM
One of the other problems that show up by using magnets to hold tools is when sharping. I hate it when the material removed piles up on the tools and I can't see the cut.

You can demag sometimes by just tapping the tool with another tool...it takes a littel time. Or if you have an old soldering gun with the replaceable tips...open the tips so the tool can go through it. When the gun is on pass the tool through the hole and it will demag.

Kevin McPeek
02-21-2008, 8:31 AM
Been there, get rid of the magnet. My tools seem to have lost the magnetism after awhile of not being on there and normal use.
Its not a total loss though, you can use it to keep the tools you use to change chuck jaws and stuff like that. That way you won't lose the little screws so easily.

robert hainstock
02-21-2008, 9:18 AM
I hope someday that some one will address the turning tool storage issue.
To demagnitize steel, you need to put them in a strong magnetic field created by an AC coil. Any ac moter would have this, most demagnitizers are simple or more complex versions of this theory. Careful of moving parts. And as J.B. said, the magnetism will gradially subside. :eek::eek:

Reed Gray
02-21-2008, 9:35 AM
I remember reading (in Fine Woodworking) some years back about how old timers wouldn't put any of their cutting tools on magnetic holders because the sharpened edges wouldn't last as long. Don't know if it is true or not.
robo hippy

George Troy
02-21-2008, 9:40 AM
I too fell for the magnetic tool holders a few years ago(ok 20 years ago). I discovered shortly after installation , sticking tools to the tool rest was not for me. One big mistake. It has no place for woodturners give it to the wife to hold her garden tools.

Mike Vickery
02-21-2008, 10:13 AM
I am with Kevin got rid of the magnet and after a little while they lost their magnetism through normal use.
The thing that annoyed me the most about it was the metal particles that stuck to the edge when sharpening.

Bernie Weishapl
02-21-2008, 10:17 AM
As Glenn said use a soldering iron to demagnatize your tools. Open up the tips slightly and put your tool in up to the handle inside the tips. Then turn on the gun and pull the tool out and away from the gun. Do not shut the gun off until the tool has come from between the tips and is at least 4 to 6 inches away. I had the same problem with a catch. Your tool sticks to the rest and you wiggle the handle to remove it and boom it is caught.

Chris Fierro
02-21-2008, 12:17 PM
I have seen a lot of gallery photos of turners using magnetic tool holders, so I just presumed it would be okay. I am going to try the HF tool demagnetizer to see how well that works. Otherwise I guess it'll go into the garage.

Thanks everyone, both for the advice and for not pointing out my spelling error in the original post's title.


Gordon Seto
02-21-2008, 2:56 PM
I had the same problem with the super duty magnetic bar I got from Costco. The tool also picks up the metal shavings from grinding. The HF de-magnetize thing for screw drivers was not strong enough. I had to get a unit from ENCO to return my tools to normal. Now the magnetic bar is for chuck keys, wrenches and calipers only.