View Full Version : "newbie" to site w/DC question

Terry Achey
02-20-2008, 10:52 PM
Wow, what a great site I found! Just what I was searching for. I'm excitied! Brief introduction and then my question. I've got less than 5 years to retirement and have been saving and planning a woodshop for the past few years. I had a contractor build a wonderful 750 sf shop thirteen feet off the back door of the house this past fall and then I wired, plumbed, insulated, drywalled and added an automatic pellet stove by January. I'm located in PA so heat is a must. After I finsihed off the interior I ordered my shop equipment and most of them were delivered last week. For starters I got Jet 10" 3hp deluxe TS; Powermatic 6" jointer; Powermatic 14" BS; Jet 12" lathe; Craftsmen 10" sliding single bevel miter; Shopfox 15" planer; Shopfox 1 micron air cleaner; Shopfox 2hp DC; General Mortising press.

Two observations. This stuff is VERY HEAVY! and boy does it take tons of time to assemble and set up. Took about 4 to 5 hrs for just the TS and some things I haven't even uncrated yet!

Question -Having clean air is important to me so I purchased a 2.5 micron filter bag for the 2hp DC. The lower bag (collector bag?) seems to have a fairly course texture and I'm wondering how effective the 2.5 micron will be if the lower bag is too course of a weave.

I'm not exactly new to working with tools and shop work, but I am new to wood shop work at this level. I have lotsa projects on my to-do list that I plan to attempt. Appreciate any advise I get and I'm excited to be able to learn so much from the people on this site. Oh yeah... I noticed that the site has many folks that require evidence in the form of pictures.:cool: How do you post pics?


George Morris
02-20-2008, 11:04 PM
Welcome to the creek the water is fine!! Where in PA? I am near Killadelphia. First thing to try is search in blue header for what you need. If you can't find it lots will answer your question!!
This is a great site The picture answer is posted somewhere please try a search for it. I am picture challenged ,haven't got that far yet. Good to have another PA resident on creek there are a few of us!! Again welcome!! George

keith ouellette
02-20-2008, 11:07 PM
welcome to the site. I'm rather new here also. I can't answer your dc question because I have a filter on my DC in place of a bag. I think its a 1 micron but I can't remember for sure.

As far as posting pictures... I found it strange (I'm going to get in trouble here) that some of the people that say " no pics didn't happen" have no picture of themselves so it leaves me wondering if they exist.

I once was on a fishing trip where two of the guys had their picture taken with the same trout but neither of them caught it.

Don't get me wrong I like pictures but I'm not going to believe or dis believe anything because of one.

Now to answer... When you post or make a thread there is a thing that says manage attachments. You click it and it will allow you to pull a file from your computer but there are size limits so they have to be scaled down to fit. I try 400x something first. it is usually small enough.

Hope that helps and again welcome. Don't forget to contribute when the time comes.

Rob Will
02-20-2008, 11:11 PM
Welcome Terry,
You will need to download "pix resizer" to get your photos down under 100K or so. Then, look for the paper clip icon at the top of the page where your are writing your post. Upload your selection and submit it without previewing. You can preview and edit your post later.


Ken Fitzgerald
02-20-2008, 11:12 PM
Terry ....Welcome to the Creek.

If you go to the Forum Tech Support forum....near the top is a sticky that tells how to post photos.

basically......post a reply or start a thread.....scroll down to the bottom of the page.........select "Manage attachments".....it'll open up a window.....browse to the photos on your computer....select the one you want to upload and select upload.....You want to pay attention in the management window to the size limits or it won't allow you to upload...you'll get an error. Close the window ....DO NOT preview the post. Select "Submit"........the photos will be with your post.

The Sticky gives a little more explanation.

Again ....Welcome to the Creek!

Greg Peterson
02-20-2008, 11:59 PM
Question -Having clean air is important to me so I purchased a 2.5 micron filter bag for the 2hp DC. The lower bag (collector bag?) seems to have a fairly course texture and I'm wondering how effective the 2.5 micron will be if the lower bag is too course of a weave.

Welcome to the Creek Terry.

As you will see shortly, when it comes to DC there are many views and opinions.

I have a HF 1.5 HP single stage DC. I never even unfolded the bags. I went with a Wynn Environmental 1 micron filter canister for the top and plastic bag for the bottom.

It is the 1 micron (and smaller) sized particles that represent the greatest health risk to your lungs. 2.5 micron filters (bag or cartridge) do not protect you from the particles that can cause damage.

Your air cleaner will help clean the air in your shop after you are finished working out there. Leave it on for an hour or two after leaving. Some folks use a timer.

Collecting the fine particles at the point they are released into the atmosphere is critical to controlling the fines in your shop.

Google Bill Pentz for a ton of info DC.

Jim Becker
02-21-2008, 8:53 AM
You need to replace the lower bag, too, either with another low-micron bag or if the upper is large enough (oversize) with a plastic bag. Leaving the coarse, OEM bag on the lower means you've lost the benefit of the upgraded upper bag for both air flow and filtration.

Welcome to SMC!

Bob Hallowell
02-21-2008, 10:00 AM
Welcome to the creek, but one warning "don't plug that lathe in or all other tools beside the bandsaw become bowl drying tables!"

Have fun


Terry Achey
02-21-2008, 10:02 PM
Thanks to all for the advise on photos and DC's. And, thanks for the warm welcome, too!

George - I'm in central PA near Hershey.

Jim & Gregg - appreciate the insight on filtration. You've confirmed my suspicion regarding the course lower bag. I will definately upgrade to 1 micron to save "my air sacks" and use the timer on the air cleaner.

Bob - I took a natural edge bowl course at the local Wordcraft a couple weeks ago. First time behind the wheel. I cranked out a nice little cherry bowl from a "chunk of firewood". The instructor wouldn't even let us begin by knocking the corners off with the band saw. ( I only bled slightly on one of my knuckles :eek: Yes, I think I'll be spending some serious time with the spinner!


gary Zimmel
02-21-2008, 10:57 PM

Welcome to the Creek. Good to have you aboard.