View Full Version : translations - DIY danish oil

Rasmus Petersen
02-20-2008, 6:54 AM
im looking for information on making my own Dansih oil... Now that part i more or less easy there are more than enough recipes out there.

But my big problem is that i am unsure witch on to choose and how to get the right compounds for it. The English names are not that easy to translate into danish, and then find them in the stores.

So i would much appreciate any help and information that i can get. Pictures of the ingredients/the cans/bottles you buy them in. Translations into other languages of the compounds. Chemical definitions, other uses and so on ...

And witch recipes do you use? why and so on...

Jim Becker
02-20-2008, 10:20 AM
33/33/33 mix of oil based varnish, BLO and mineral spirits is a common DIY "danish oil". 50/50 mix of oil based varnish and mineral spirits is a common DIY wiping varnish.

You don't need to get too scientific on this. Any brand or type of brush on oil based varnish will do. (no need for "poly" types and they will not buff out as nicely) Any brand of BLO and mineral spirits, too. Simple...simple...simple...