View Full Version : Timber price check (PICS)

Aaron Dunham
02-19-2008, 10:01 PM
I was given these timbers a few days ago by a contractor. While I was at lunch an architect friend saw them on my trailer and asked at what price I would sell them. I said I'd get back to him. He is only interested in the 7 big beams - they are 8" x 10" and 16' long. They are probably Doug Fir or Ponderosa and were used once to support a house during some foundation work two years ago. Any thoughts?




Dan Barr
02-19-2008, 10:15 PM
just look up the current price in your area for the same item and offer it to him at a percentage. (50-70% depending on condition)

this ought to maximize your profit and keep him interested at the same time.



Brian Willan
02-19-2008, 10:20 PM
A quick calculation for the 7 beams totals a hair under 750 board feet. Find out the going rate for such size and species of timber and you will have a good starting point. Factor in that you got them for free (drive by GLOAT, YOU SUCK BTW).

Even at $1.00 per board foot, that would net you some good money and would be a steal to the architect.

