View Full Version : National Nurses Day in May 2008

Dean Thomas
02-17-2008, 4:28 PM
One of the guys in our chapter volunteers once a month at a local hospital, helping out the nursing staff. He brought an interesting thought to our board and I thought I'd share it with y'all as there might be other interest.

Nurses Week is celebrated in May each year, May 6-12 this year. "National Nurses Week is celebrated annually from May 6, also known as National Nurses Day, through May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing."

We're thinking of adopting a unit and providing about 50 click pencils (.7mm preferred) to them. I certainly do not want to take away from FPP in any way and would frankly prefer that we boost participation there, but I'm guessing that there are folks here who know and love nurses personally who might be inspired at some small level. Wives/husbands, mothers/fathers, sisters/brothers, sweethearts, etc. who might be touched by a Nurses Day present.

Our chapters here in KC regularly discuss the need to give back to the community and to find ways to use our turning to do that. We've done demos in the children's wards in the hospitals, fairs for charitable organizations, donations to auctions and more. Thought that if you or your chapters are having similar thoughts, one local way of giving back might be something like this.

And that if it was of interest, this might be the time to start planning. :rolleyes: