View Full Version : Earlex HVLP Spray Station Pro

Aaron Frank
02-17-2008, 9:26 AM
Hi all,

I'm interested to know if anyone has this unit. Charles Wilson posted the same question last year, but didn't get any responses. Maybe with time, someone has this unit now.



Jim Becker
02-17-2008, 9:34 AM
Aaron, I've never heard of that one and didn't even remember Charles' post.

Aaron Frank
02-17-2008, 4:03 PM

I'm not familiar with them either, but while looking at photos of a finishing class run by Charles Neil (antiquesbuiltdailydotcom) I saw the Earlex turbine unit sitting on a table next to a Turbinaire unit. According to Woodcraft's website the Earlex 5000 is $325 as opposed to $800 for the Turbinaire. I currently have a PC PS1 and while it works well, it is pretty hard on my compressor.

Looking online, it looks the the company designs and manufactures its products in the UK and is well respected.

I'll have to keep looking for more info.

Charles Wilson
02-19-2008, 10:44 PM
Hey, I resemble that remark.

As far as literature, I have seen a trade magazine (can't remember which) rated it pretty high. Local store had three and sold two. Other than that, maybe a google search?


Aaron Frank
02-20-2008, 8:29 AM
Charles and Jim,

I was listening to the latest Woodtalk Online podcast and Marc Spagnolo (aka The Wood Whisperer) just got the Earlex 5000 is going to do a test and review of the unit. He also mentioned in their conversation that Charles Neil is a big fan of the unit. I'm going to contact Mr. Neil and get his thoughts directly. If it works well, the price point is a real incentive.

(FWIW, Woodtalk Online and Matt's Basement Workshop are both podcasts that make the miles fly by if you've got a lot of driving to do. The Wood Whisperer podcasts are video and aren't really conducive to driving, but are excellent.)


Jim Becker
02-20-2008, 10:11 AM
Aaron, perhaps you can PM Marc and ask him to post an abbreviated review/commentary here in this thread so there is useful information in our archive. He's an SMC member, too.

Marc Spagnuolo
02-29-2008, 1:57 AM
Hey guys. I have been getting a number of questions lately about the Earlex. Seems everyone is interested. I haven't put the unit completely through its paces yet, but let's just say things are looking real good so far. My initial tests with water based material were very positive. Charles and I will be comparing notes over the next few weeks and will hopefully make our "official" statements then.

Believe me, nothing would make me happier than to be able to recommend an inexpensive self contained spray system like that. It really could make a huge difference in a lot of shops. Not everyone has $800 to plunk down on a new 3 stage turbine, you know?

I don't get to the forums as much as I used to so if anyone has questions about this unit, please feel free to email me.

Eric Wong
05-01-2008, 5:36 PM
I just bought one of these units from Woodcraft.
I will post after I get a chance to try it out. I'm a spraying newbie, so not really sure what kind of results I'm going to get.

I plan to try 3 finishes on some scrap:
Minwax Polyurethane
Target Coatings Utimate Spray Laquer (water-based)
Target Coatings HybriVar (water-based)

Ted Jay
05-01-2008, 9:34 PM
I just bought one of these units from Woodcraft.
I will post after I get a chance to try it out. I'm a spraying newbie, so not really sure what kind of results I'm going to get.

I plan to try 3 finishes on some scrap:
Minwax Polyurethane
Target Coatings Utimate Spray Laquer (water-based)
Target Coatings HybriVar (water-based)

Charles Neil did a little episode on You Tube about Ebonizing wood in which he is using the Earlex, but he never mentions the brand, just about:
Ebonizing - Water Base & 2-Stage Turbines.

He made a comment that was in reference to a review about the 2-stage Turbines, and how the review mentioned they "didn't work", I thought it was funny.


Eric Wong
05-02-2008, 2:21 PM
The guys over at Target Coatings are a little wary of this unit, they recommend spending the money on a mid-size compressor and HLVP gun like the Asturo ECO/SX.

I don't know. If you add up the costs, you've got this:

Earlex HV5000 $300.


Compressor $300 for a decent one
Asturo gun $300-350
Mini regulator (at the gun) $75
In-line air filter $10-30

Seems like the Earlex is a better deal, although I will admit the second setup will probably create much better finishes.

Chris Padilla
05-02-2008, 2:29 PM
Keep in mind the versatility of having a compressor...it is more than just a supply of air for a spray gun!

I'd be curious about the noise level of the Earlex. 3 and 4-stage turbine HVLP guns sound like the concord is in the spray booth with you! :)

Peter Quadarella
05-02-2008, 8:13 PM
OK you guys are talking me out of my future purchase. This comment surprised me:

although I will admit the second setup will probably create much better finishes.

Why do you say that?

Eric Wong
05-03-2008, 1:39 AM
Well, I think I mean that it will give better atomization to a wider variety of finishes, with more control over the fan pattern. Overall, this means more control therefore a better overall result. Expecially the atomization part.

I've been told that bleeder turbine guns like the Earlex tend to be much less forgiving in certain situations, and can more easily give results like orange peel and runs/drips. They also can give lots of blowback into your face when doing the inside of cabinets since they are bleeder guns and you can't control the air volume like on higher end HVLP guns.

But keep in mind I'm a spraying newbie myself, so I'm getting this from things I've read as opposed to actual experience. I'm going to give the Earlex a full workout, and I'm hoping that its good enough once I learn good technique.

John Pratt
09-02-2009, 10:59 AM
I know it has been a while since anyone posted anything about this sprayer (Earlex 5000). I just got one for the shop from Woodcraft. Anybody experience any problems with it? What needle kit have you experienced the best results with (needle kit vs. medium)? Any thoughts or tips regarding this sprayer would be appreciated.

John Hollaway
09-03-2009, 3:28 PM
Not so with the Fuji Q4 Pro. You can check out the Roger Phelps site for a sound comparison.

Tim Johnson
09-04-2009, 3:24 PM
Given the original thread is a little dated, I hope you'll get some feedback. I have the sprayer in question, have used it for water based dyes and shellac. The gun comes with two tips, a 1.5 and 2.0 (if you get it from Woodcraft). I've only used the 1.5. After a few passes painting cardboard, and adjusting the flow, I was happy with the results. I liked the ability to easily change the spray pattern depending on what direction I needed to go when covering the piece. I can put on 4 coats of shellac in about one hour, lightly sanding prior to the last coat and get excellent results IMO. I've not used any other WB finishes in the gun. It is a bit noisy, and the hose is pretty light, but it works as expected for the $$. The gun works well and has a teflon coated cup. Disassembly is easy for clean up. I've used it for about one year and don't have any regrets, but you have to understand that this system has limits. If you want a do-everything spray rig, you might want to look at spending more $$ for a better unit. which I'll probably get to someday.

Neal Clayton
09-06-2009, 10:56 AM
i also have one, and as tim does, basically just use it for spraying shellac. i don't use a wide variety of finishes, since all of my work is done for historic restoration/replication type stuff, shellac is authentic and quick, i don't have much need for anything else.

i'm sure the units that cost more are in fact better in many ways, but for simple things as marc mentioned in his video review, it's 'good enough', and considering price, imo, better than that even.

Sam Jacobson
09-21-2009, 8:11 PM
I have the Earlex unit and have so far sprayed shellac and water borne out of it. I really like it and am getting much better at spraying. I've only used the 1.5 tip. After only a few hours of use my turbine quit working. I sent it back and immediately got a new turbine unit in return.