View Full Version : One more Longworth Chuck

Jim Underwood
02-14-2008, 10:06 PM
The Walnut platter I posted previously was the motivation for finishing this chuck. I had run out of options since my platter was too big to fit inside my Cole Jaws without the jaws hitting the bed, and it wouldn't work to expand inside the undercut rim for the same reason. And I'd already finished the inside. So what's a guy to do?

I designed a Longworth chuck in AutoCAD and cut it out on the CNC router at work.:D (I work in a nice cabinet shop.) Then I turned a faceplate block to fit the double step mortise in the back of the chuck plate, and glued and bolted it all together. There's a T-nut in the back of the faceplate hole holding the center bolt. It's loctited so it won't come out. It runs pretty true even though I didn't face off the main plate.

The stoppers were purchased at Lowes along with the other hardware which totaled about $10. The plywood and 1/4 melamine MDF was scrap. (There's lots of it when you install a kitchen a day.) I was wondering how to drill out the bottle stoppers but hit on a neat idea. Just push them into your spindle taper and drill from the tailstock end. Works like a charm!

Steve Schlumpf
02-14-2008, 10:48 PM
Very nice work Jim! Looks like it will work perfect! It's great when you have the needed equipment available when you want to build something!

Richard Madison
02-14-2008, 11:41 PM
Let me be the first to say, You Suck. AutoCad and CNC indeed!

But seriously, looks like a very nice piece of work which should serve you well. Nothing wrong with (authorized) use of best resources available for a little "gov'mint" work.

Allen Neighbors
02-15-2008, 12:21 AM
Truly a nice job on the Longworth! What kind of "stoppers" are those you bought at Lowes? They look like perfect buttons!

robert hainstock
02-15-2008, 9:06 AM
Hey, whatever floats your boat. Whats that old- - -? Necessity is the mother. :)

Bernie Weishapl
02-15-2008, 9:22 AM
Great job on a nice looking chuck Jim.

Jim Underwood
02-15-2008, 10:38 AM
The stoppers are just rubber bottle stoppers plucked out of the bin at Lowes. You can probably buy them at any hardware store. In fact you can probably find them with the hole already molded in them. I just happened to find these.

I did find they were too soft for gripping on the inside of the piece, and resorted to cannibalizing the buttons off of the cole jaws for the particular application I used it on. But they'd be perfect for gripping the outside of a bowl.

I've also thought of making custom shaped buttons by turning some Maple or other wood so as to have a greater contact area....