View Full Version : CA Finish for Pens Video

Dean Thomas
02-13-2008, 6:57 PM
Some time ago, someone posted a link to a web video on CA finishes for pens.

Searching the archives have not helped me. TOO many mentions of CA, finishes, pens.

Can someone help me locate it? Link to the post where it was mentioned, or link to the site where it can be found would be greatly helpful. Trying to mentor someone long distance. :p

Thanks in advance.

Greg Ketell
02-13-2008, 7:19 PM
Videos from Russ Fairfield, arguabaly the father of CA finishes. http://www.penturners.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=17155

John Grabowski
02-14-2008, 10:43 PM
Here is a link to a video from youtube that is helpful...I think it is really easy to follow his method and the finish turns out very nicely. I have made a few pens and they have all turned out very well using this method!!


John G

Let me know what you think

Ron Raymond
02-15-2008, 12:26 PM
Be sure and check out Russ Fairfield's own website, too...

robert hainstock
02-15-2008, 1:15 PM
I hope that anyone using this site always reads not only the questions, but the answers. Gonna try that CA finish as soon as I get some BLO.
Thanks everybody! :):):)

David Walser
02-15-2008, 2:27 PM
Can someone explain the purpose of applying BLO as part of applying a CA finish? In the YouTube video linked above, the turner says you should apply BLO before applying CA. (I can understand this step. The BLO might have some grain popping affect that the CA does not.) But then, he goes on to say you should apply BLO in between coats of CA. Why?

The first application of CA should have sealed the wood, preventing the BLO from affecting the appearance of the grain. (Or, so I'd think.) Does the BLO simply serve as some kind of lubricant of perform some other function (such as extending the cure time of the CA)? If so, can I safely substitute some other oil based finish, such as tung oil or walnut oil? Color me confused.

Ben Gastfriend
02-15-2008, 4:09 PM
I'm with you, David. I get the BLO before the CA, it makes the grain look prettier, but don't get why you'd put it in between coats. Educate, master turners!:D

Tim Malyszko
02-15-2008, 4:36 PM
Thanks for posting the video links. I've been wanting to try a BLO/CA finish on a pen, but wanted to see it before proceeding. After watching the videos, I need to pick up some thick CA glue and give it a try.

Mike Vickery
02-15-2008, 4:51 PM
Can someone explain the purpose of applying BLO as part of applying a CA finish? In the YouTube video linked above, the turner says you should apply BLO before applying CA. (I can understand this step. The BLO might have some grain popping affect that the CA does not.) But then, he goes on to say you should apply BLO in between coats of CA. Why?

The first application of CA should have sealed the wood, preventing the BLO from affecting the appearance of the grain. (Or, so I'd think.) Does the BLO simply serve as some kind of lubricant of perform some other function (such as extending the cure time of the CA)? If so, can I safely substitute some other oil based finish, such as tung oil or walnut oil? Color me confused.
The blow supposedly will do three things when applyed on top of the ca.
1. Work as a mild accelarant to speed drying time.
2. Work as a lubricant to get a smoother surface on the CA.
3. Soften the CA slightly so it is not as brittle.

Personally I dont use it, but those are the reasons that are often stated.

John Grabowski
02-15-2008, 4:59 PM
I have to say that this finish is the easiest finish that I have tried. It is very nice when completed. The BLO acts as an accelerant for the CA glue. It contradicts a few of the concepts of Russ but as long as you dry the BLO before putting the CA on, everything works fine. Russ himself even explains how this works in a post on the pen turners site. Look at these pens, these are the first two that I ever did with CA, I tried Russ's method several time using medium CA glue and it was very cumbersome. I tried the video and these are the first two pens that I did. I apologize for the bad photography and also the fingerprints : *( IT was a busy day the day I took the photos and I havent had the light tent up since.

John G