View Full Version : Just in time - Heart Shaped Bowl pattern

Stephen Massman
02-13-2008, 11:39 AM
I was looking for an old pattern for a gift for LOML, but couldnt find it anywhere.

So I created a new one.

I personally am going to use a redheart 2" thick blank.

Steve Massman

Tim Malyszko
02-13-2008, 12:11 PM
Thanks for posting this pattern. I may give this a try tonight.

Scott Hubl
02-13-2008, 12:31 PM
Saved it, but whats your plan of attack to complete it?

Hinged lid of some sort?

Is there any actual Turning involved?

Don Orr
02-13-2008, 1:20 PM
I am also curious how you intend to proceed with this. Are you planning to turn it on multiple centers or carve it ? I'd like to see progress pics if possible. Very interesting.

Stephen Massman
02-13-2008, 1:41 PM
I am planning on drilling pilot hole at center point and use a screw center in a chuck to turn the profile on bottom and tenon. Then flip and grip the tenon and turn out the inside and follow shape of outside.

Much like a square plate or bowl.


Don Orr
02-13-2008, 2:07 PM
Good idea. May have to try it myself.

Scott Hubl
02-13-2008, 5:39 PM
Please take lots of pics . I cant seem to picture it in my mind .

I can see slicing the top off first , dbl. stick taping it back on, cutting out the shape, then using files and small riffler (sp)? files to shape it rounded on the top. Giving it a 3D effect on top.

Using a router to take out the insides, or cut it out like a bandsaw box and glue it back together?

But can't see turning it?:confused:

Jim Underwood
02-13-2008, 6:13 PM
I'm not getting it either.:confused:

I can see chucking it from the pointed end of the heart and turning it (and hollowing it) so it's shaped like a piece of fruit, and then sawing it in half.... making two heart shaped pieces....

I may just have to try that this evening....:D

Stephen Massman
02-14-2008, 10:16 PM
I uploaded pictures of each stage in the turning process.

here is the url, hopefully it wont be removed by the moderators. If it does and you want the url send me a private message.



Scott Hubl
02-15-2008, 12:38 AM
Ahhh Ok , Thanks for posting the pics!

When you said a 2" thick blank I thought you were going to turn it into a hollowed out Box.

It is more of a curved platter.

Very NICE. I couldn't find any redheart wood blanks ar Rockler early this morning except they had one 8x8x2 real red looking wood(name escapes me at the moment) for $169.99:eek:
even at the 22% off turning blanks it was more than I wanted to experiment with on short notice.

I bought a few of these instead.http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p59/AmericanAndProud/Burls-Pods.jpg

There are 3 Banksia Pods, they were $7.50 eachto the left rear of pic.

Little corner piece unknown as it broke off a BIG piece as I was searching through the pallets manager tossed it in free. its about 3"x4"x2" funky corner shaped piece.

Then next to that is a piece of -Australian Brown Mallee @ 4"x4" x5" tall =.75 "units

Then we have a piece of Amboyna Burl @5"x4"x6 1/2" tall = 3.0 "units"

Behind that is Australian Jarrah Burl @ 3 1/2"x 3 1/2" x 9 1/4" tall =2.0 "units"

Next to that one in the back is Australian Myrtle Burl @ 3"x3"x10" tall =1.4 "units"

Then theres the piece leaning on the 3.0 one its Australian Brown Mallee Burl @4 1/4"x 41/4" x2" tall @.60 "units"

"units" we later figuerd out on another forum must be by the Pound, why they call it "units" instead is beyond me.

Wasn't all bad as Rochler had 22% off all turning stock, so I ASKED if these all were included as they ARE "Turning Stock" and I got my 22% off even the Banksia Pods. http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowyes.gif

The one in the middle front with the "3.0 AM" on it was 3 units @ $15.00 per unit,(yes its about 3LBS. weighed it on the bathroom scale) so 3x15=$45.00 - 22% = $35.10 for that one pieceOPPS tax was another $3.07 so it was $38.17

Bought myself another Sorby Chisel, a 3/4"Curved Undercut Scraper. (Cindy Drozda uses this type in one of her DVD's to make her Fabulous Finial Box)

Bought another Turning DVD this one is-"Vessels of Illusion" With Trent Bosch. ( you would THINK these guys and gals would use better production methods) http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowrolleyes.gif

The info is good but the WIND noise on the mic while shooting scenes outside was/is VERY ANNOYING!

Then the Cricket CHIRPING in his Studio was ANNOYING . (He couldnt stop rolling tape and FIND and KILL that little thing? http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowrolleyes.gif ) He'd stop his lathe to explain what he's doing and that lil sucker sounds like its sitting ON the Mic and chirping away.

Standards really need to be RAISED for what these vids cost. http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/slap.gif

Then I decided I like the look of some of the Dyed turnings I have seen and picked up some Trans Tint Dyes, Want to give it a try one day .
I got 5 bottles , Green, Lemon Yellow, Purple, Blue, and Orange.

Grabbed a 3"x3" x 12" Osage Orange blank.

A 3"x3" x12" Canarywood blank.

And finally Norms NYW Workbench VHS, was on sale because it was VHS, I will take and Convert it to a DVD plus the plans with it.

Those Burls are gonna be awsome once I actually figure out just what to do with them.

What would YOU do with these burl blanks, any and all ideas Welcomed?

Glad this Rockler is about an hours drive away from me or those Burls would bankrupt me! http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif

Have some BIG ones that are like 25 "Units" or more!About $375.00, even with the 22% off right now thats costly! http://www.forums.woodnet.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowbigeek.gif

I saved your web site and Thanks for sharing.

Could you have sliced that blank in 1/2 on the bandsaw and got 2 hearts out of it?

Stephen Massman
02-15-2008, 8:35 AM
yes you could have used 1" thick or resaw a 2". I originally thought of a curved bowl but once I was into the project I thought it would be better as a platter. I also had to get rid of some hairline crack at the top.
