View Full Version : When will Festool sell a router with a 1/2 inch collet in North America?

Frank Pellow
03-09-2004, 8:55 AM
I am a (recent) big fan of Festool and so, naturally, I am looking at their product in my search for a new router. With one exception, I like what I see in their specs and I am encouraged by the reviews that I have read.

But, that exception is BIG, in fact it is a show stopper. What will I do with my large investment in 1/2 router bits?

I found a posting to this forum from Christian Aufreiter where he stated that it is likely that a 1/2 router would eventually be made available in the USA. I suspect that this was just intelligent speculation on Christian's part but it did encourage me to do some investigation.

In my searching, I found that such a router (the 2000 E) is available in Australia and that it costs about 75% more than the 1010E (which I assume is very similar to the 1000 E that is available in North America). If Festool used a similar pricing algorithm in the USA, the router would cost slightly more than $500 (pre tax and shipping). Even at that price, I would seriously consider purchasing it.

Does anyone have any concrete evidence of Festool's plans market a router with a 1/2 inch collet here?

Bob Marino
03-09-2004, 9:10 AM

I can say for sure that there will be a 1/2" collet Festool router available here sooner rather than later, just exactly how soon, no one at Festool is saying, nor are they mentioning price.


Alan Turner
03-09-2004, 9:12 AM
I understand, both from a Festool rep. and from a Woodcraft owner, that the 1/2" collet router is undergoing the slow process of ULA testing. I can't imagine that there is a serious issue, and so I don't understand the delay. But, I also know nothing about ULA certification. By ULA I mean Underwriters Labratory, I think. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure of this.

Frank Pellow
03-09-2004, 5:07 PM
Thanks Bob. Sooner rather than later is good enough to have me not purchase another brand in 2004.

I have just about enough in this year's tool budget to cover a Festool router at no more than $500. So, if it becomes available at such a price (or, even better at a lower price) this year, I will likely purchase it.

Bob Marino
03-12-2004, 3:50 PM
Thanks Bob. Sooner rather than later is good enough to have me not purchase another brand in 2004.

I have just about enough in this year's tool budget to cover a Festool router at no more than $500. So, if it becomes available at such a price (or, even better at a lower price) this year, I will likely purchase it.

The 2000 router was shown at a recent Solid Surface show in Las Vegas. It is a 2000 watt (3 1/2hp) router, hence Model 2000.
Will be available before the summer, and yes will be less than $500.00.


Frank Pellow
03-12-2004, 5:38 PM
Thanks Bob. Both before summer and less than $500 sound good to me.