View Full Version : Critique Please????

ross russo
02-11-2008, 1:05 PM
I am fairly new to turning and have found a slight obsecession. After turning several pieces that made better firewood than anything else I managed to turn a couple of bowls that I would like some constructive criticism on. One is ambrosia maple that I turned green and sealed with hardwood flooring sealer and finished with a friction polish. The other is a piece of oak burl that came down during hurricane Hugo and has been drying since. I thought leaving both bottoms "natural" would add to the "charm" of the bowl. The oak actually still has fuzzy stuff left from when I peeled the outer bark off.

My wife has been using the ambrosia maple bowl for serving rolls and bread when we have friends over for dinner. It was turned the middle of January and hasn't cracked yet. Though there was a small crack in the side before I started turning it.

Both are somewhat thicker walled.

Let me what ya'll think.


Paul Engle
02-11-2008, 1:18 PM
Excellent indeed Ross, I like the " heavy" bowls especally the larger ones and spalted....it does not get much better than that, nice shape and form.:D

Sam Yerardi
02-11-2008, 1:20 PM
Beautiful work. I love anything spalted.

Steve Schlumpf
02-11-2008, 1:35 PM
You got a couple of good looking bowls there Ross! Nice form on each and also beautiful wood grain and colors! Nice work - looking forward to seeing some more!

Jeff Bower
02-11-2008, 1:42 PM
Ross, I like thicker/heavier bowls...so yes I like your a lot. Well done and great looking wood as well.

ross russo
02-11-2008, 1:52 PM
Thanks all...... You could say I am self taught so any and all pointers are very welcome and appreciated. I guess the old addage of just cut away everything that doesn't look like the object you are looking for in the chunk of wood.

Thanks for the votes of approval.

Tom Sherman
02-11-2008, 3:52 PM
Nothing wrong with these two Ross. Keep on turning.

Ben Gastfriend
02-11-2008, 3:55 PM
Great work. You'll just improve with every bowl. Especially like the 4th one from the left.

William Bachtel
02-11-2008, 4:13 PM
Go to www.turningwood.com and click on artist and then click on any name and you will see lots of bowls and turnings to get ideas from. Enjoy.

Glenn Hodges
02-11-2008, 6:13 PM
Good job on beginning bowls. I will offer this remarks only to help. A good design element which makes a bowl pleasing to the beholder is the bottom should be 1/3 the diameter of the top. The second picture from the left shows evidence of a flat spot. This may be my bifocals failing me, I can't tell with this picture, but over all I like the wood, and your work. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, thanks for letting us it.

Bernie Weishapl
02-11-2008, 6:16 PM
Good looking bowls. Keep'em coming.

Brian McInturff
02-11-2008, 6:42 PM
Nice looking Spalty bowls(my favorite). Only thing I would say is - seal the bottom. Spalting wood unsealed and foods you are eating do not go together.
So, sign your name, the date you turned it, and type of wood and seal it.:D