View Full Version : Would like to see your shop, Bob Marino

Jack Diemer
03-08-2004, 6:01 PM
I don't think I have seen pictures of your shop yet. My guess is that it looks like a giant Festool show room (with dust I assume), but then again, maybe you are "testing" all your competitors products. Only Pictures will tell us for sure.

Bob Marino
03-08-2004, 7:50 PM
I don't think I have seen pictures of your shop yet. My guess is that it looks like a giant Festool show room (with dust I assume), but then again, maybe you are "testing" all your competitors products. Only Pictures will tell us for sure. Well, Jack, you would probably be dissapointed, ( I'm dissapointed;>), since I share my two car garage/shop with my car, lawnmower, bicycles, etc. No place to expand either, no way. That's one of the reasons I am so envious of those with plenty of shop space. All machines; jointer, planer, bs, rt, ts are on mobile bases...move the machine in use from the wall to the center of the shop and back again. Do use my Festool MFT as a work bench though. The only stationary tool is my Oneida cyclone that I recently bought. Until I get things straightened out a wee bit more (install ductwork rather than the long flex hose, put up some shop cabinets, etc. I didn't think of posting. But that would require (well, not require) a digital camera...
I also have a small room in the basement (7' x 12') that I have my workbench in and for some tool storage and glue ups.
What at least allows for a semblance of order is the fact that all the Festool tools are in their systainers (tool cases) and that they stack and lock together on top of each other. Yes, a lot of Festool tools and no, not a lot of dust. ;)


Jack Diemer
03-08-2004, 8:55 PM
Been there done that on the mobile base thing. The neat thing about those Festool stuff is you don't need a lot of space because it all stacks so nice and neat.

On a side bar story, I recently acquired a used Jointech Smart Miter sled, and the person who sold it to me did so because he was getting rid of his table saw. I asked him why he would ever get rid of his table saw, and he said that he liked his new Festool Circular Saw system so much that he prefered using it to his table saw. (and it took up less space).

Chris Padilla
03-09-2004, 9:50 AM
Wow! I can't imagine getting rid of the main piece of equipment in my shop...the mighty TS! Especially dumping it for a circular saw! I understand the Festool Plunge saw is awesome but I am not sure how it could replace a TS BUT, I guess it all depends on what you use it for.

I saw Tom Silva (This Old House) build a whole cabinet system using nothing but Festool's plunge saw, guide, and router so it could be possible! :)