View Full Version : Black Palm?

Ron McKinley
02-08-2008, 7:18 PM
A friend gave me this piece and it's really heavy and dense. He said it was Black Palm. It doesn't look anything like what has been described in another thread about worst woods to turn. Thanks.....Ron


David Walser
02-08-2008, 7:30 PM
It also doesn't look like any black palm I've ever seen before. But, then, I've always been bad at identifying wood -- even when it still has leaves on it!

Kevin McPeek
02-08-2008, 7:41 PM
Thats definitely not black palm. Black locust maybe..?

Jason Hallowell
02-08-2008, 7:48 PM
That's not palm of any kind. It looks like either mesquite or black losust to me.

Ron McKinley
02-08-2008, 7:58 PM
I just went out and trued it up and cut tenons on both ends and it turns nicely so it can't be Black Palm. It doesn't turn like black locust—yet. I'll know more when I start shaping it. It's not mesquite as I've turned a lot of honey mesquite and screwbean mesquite. Guess it will just be "mystery wood" for a while.....Ron

Rick Gifford
02-08-2008, 8:00 PM
No that is not Black Palm. It has fibers throughout, with a brittle grain in between.

Here is a pic:


Ron McKinley
02-08-2008, 8:14 PM
The picture did not come through for me. Would like to see it so I can avoid it if it's as bad as every one says........Ron

robert hainstock
02-08-2008, 8:23 PM
I'm just finishing a pen of black palm. It is very soft in the lite areas, and the black (Porkipine quills) are very hard. went to my 60 grit turning tool after a blowout. Hope you can see the pix in previous post now. log off and back on might work. :eek::eek::eek:

Brian McInturff
02-08-2008, 8:40 PM
Speaking of Palm, they had a pile of Sapel palm(whatever Palms that line the streets here at the beach) and so I decided what the heck and cut me some blanks. I knew palms were in the grass family but man, I'm not sure I even want to put a good tool to it. If you put the light to it just right you can see shimmers of silica throughout it, and that's even in the middle. Guess I'm in for a heck'uva day tomorrow. Whoops, I'm hijacking this thread, sorry. Anyway, that's definitely not anything in the Palm family.

Ron McKinley
02-08-2008, 8:57 PM
Now the picture comes up. Thanks......Ron

Bernie Weishapl
02-08-2008, 10:18 PM
Ron it kinda looks like honey locust to me. Definitely not palm.

Ron McKinley
02-08-2008, 10:56 PM
Could this be an ash? I've seen ash that looks like this but not nearly as heavy......Ron

robert hainstock
02-09-2008, 8:06 AM
I found that my 60 grit turning tool works best, (to avoid tearout).

Rick Gifford
02-09-2008, 2:21 PM
Here is the pic in case the photo link doesnt work again:


Glenn Hodges
02-09-2008, 2:31 PM
Your buddy was pulling your leg.

Dick Strauss
02-11-2008, 8:54 PM
Red oak or honey locust???

Kaptan J.W. Meek
02-12-2008, 7:55 AM
looks more like mesquite to me.. with the red/purpleish endgrain, and the yellowish face, I would guess mesquite.

Rich Stewart
02-12-2008, 10:17 AM
Looks like some catalpa I had once. Bought it off ebay. Turned ok. Dusty. Sandpaper helped it alot.

Ron McKinley
02-12-2008, 12:16 PM
I've never turned catalpa. Is that a heavy wood? This is heavier than oak or mesquite.......Ron

Rich Stewart
02-12-2008, 10:29 PM
It's actually a very light wood.