View Full Version : Quality shop time

Mark Stutz
03-07-2004, 12:03 AM
I know many of you have kids that work with you in the shop. Both my boys were teenagers when I started woodworking, and it wasn't a very "cool" :o thing to do. Recently, though, my 18 year old asked if I would help him make a picture frame as a present to his girlfriend. We spent the afternoon in the shop planning and executing the design he chose. It was his first real woodworking experience. though he has done construction of sets for plays at school. No arguments, no raised voices, no hurt feelings, :) :) , just a great day with my son. After the feedback from his girlfriend, maybe Dad is a little cooler :cool: than he thought.
I know many of you have had similar experiences sharing with your kids, but this was a first for me. I hope all of you with very young kids can have this much fun some day!!

Joe Bourbois
03-07-2004, 12:14 AM
Mark, that frame sure turned out nice. And it sounds like his girlfriend appreciated it as much as you enjoyed making it with him.

Dean Baumgartner
03-07-2004, 12:15 AM
Mark, It's great to get the kids out in the shop. My older 2 aren't intersted in much but video games but boy #3 at 8 years old wants to come out to the shop any time he can. He's pretty much just at the cutting boards apart with his hand saw and driving many many nails into scraps but what the hey it gets him out there and keeps him interested.


Terry Hatfield
03-07-2004, 12:25 AM

GREAT!!! I love the shop time I spend with my daughter. It's about the only thing that we do together that's just us. Sure is nice to get to spend some time with her.

The frame turned out super nice too!!



Keith Starosta
03-07-2004, 7:56 AM
That is very cool. As I sit here and type (one-handed), I have my six month old son on my lap. I hope that one day, he'll want to join his old man in the shop once or twice. My seven year old has been out there with me a few times, and he really seems to enjoy it, which is great! Dad hasn't let him handle anything more than the ROS to this point, but he got a huge kick out of it.

Here's hoping that you and your son spend many more hours working together!


Tyler Howell
03-07-2004, 8:28 AM
This story sounds familiar, had to go back and look at your previous post. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?threadid=6132
Great to see the finished product.
Keep it up, you got the right Idea.
Shop tour Mark. You know the rules. No teasing!

Dan McGuire
03-07-2004, 8:40 AM

Very nice frame. It is good to get the kids out in shop. My girls are developing an interest. My oldest, six, used to come out to operate the broom. She thought it was neat to sweep up the piles of sawdust. Funny, that didn't last long before she started asking for money to do what she used to do for free. The worst part is she turned her younger sister on to my ploy and I can't talk her into sweeping either. The oldest girl now wants to learn to operate the handsaw. I have guided her into cutting a few boards. However, she thinks the other tools make too much noise. Maybe a neander in the making? Both like to finish wood. I had both of them help me finish the trim molding that I put in the bathroom I built in the basement. I don't know if the interest will hold, but it is neat having them in the shop.

Mark Stutz
03-07-2004, 9:07 AM
Tyler you are correct, but back then I wasn't able to post pictures with it. Now that I'm able--new OS for the computer-- I thought I'd show the PICS. I don't know how to attach a link though. Thanks!

Daniel Rabinovitz
03-07-2004, 1:58 PM
I've had many happy years teaching boys and girls from 7th to 12th grade use all kinds of metalworking and woodworking machines and executing hand tool operations that rival the best of us.
Give those youngsters a chance to demonstrate their abilities and you WILL be surprised and pleased.
Daniel :D