View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
02-04-2008, 10:03 AM
Good Morning
4 Feb 2008

Health, Healing, and Prosperity to all of you as we progress further into the year of 2008.

The day job has kept me away from the shop as well as away from the family a great deal over the last few weeks. I haven't been in my shop now for several weeks...at least for nothing worth telling. I think I've done a little bit here and there, but if you call cutting off couple of fireplace mantel supports for a neighbor? Then I qualify for saying I did some woodworking. :)

Been spending as much time as I can with my wife and kids. Stepping through the various phases of life with my kids has been both very frustrating and rewarding. What my kids keep forgetting is that I'm going to be part of their lives if they like it or not.!!!!! :D

The LOML and I do have plans to get out in the shop today and make some kind of progress on the walnut kitchen table. I think it's going to be a very nice table and is a design of my neighbors who have hired me to make them this table. They've seen my work and are willing to pay a fair price for this table. A real first for me and I'm proud to give them all they've asked for and more.

So.....what did YOU do this weekend???

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
02-04-2008, 10:17 AM
Friday night I we went shopping for a kitchen faucet and then I installed that. We were supposed to get one from Price Pfister, but the Pf..... well messed up my address and the package was undeliverable. Since I'm not comfortable having the faucet leak into the cabinet for another week while I wait for a replacement they went to "Plan B" which is having the customer buy a faucet of their choice and install it. Then they send a replacement of the exact same model and the customer returns that one.

Saturday I finished up all the sanding on the cabinets for my parents bathroom and cleaned the shop in preparation for spraying them. Then Saturday evening I went over to their house and painted the walls.

Yesterday I sprayed everything with shellac and the first coat of WB poly. I also spent a couple hours messing with my shop computer which must have taken a power surge. I noticed the other day my printer would only print the red ink, even with a new cartridge. So we picked up a new cheap printer Friday night. When I went to install it, the DVD drive wouldn't work. After messing around I determined that the DVD drive was good and the IDE ports on the motherboard were bad. So I ordered a new motherboard for it. Since that computer serves as the backup drive for our main PC, I need it to function right.

02-04-2008, 10:30 AM
I started a deep cleaning of my shop. Lots of woodworking and non-woodworking related projects have been based in my shop in the last couple years and I haven't done a decent cleaning in a long time. I also just finished a workbench and put it in place of my temporary work table. Temporary meaning only about 4 years. There are some things about the shop that have been frustrating over the last few projects. So, I'm going to do some rearrangement and design and build some new workstations over the next couple years.
This weekend, I cleaned and cleaned. I moved every machine and cleaned under and around it. I'm left now with two corners that are packed full of junk and a need to thin my scrap piles. Then I can identify all the stuff that doesn't have a home and start designing a new setup that accounts for that and plans for the future.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-04-2008, 10:33 AM
Saturday I continued working on my DC pipe hanging.

Sunday morning did stuff around the house in preparation for some friends coming over to watch the Super Bowl.

Went to HD and bought some more supplies for hanging the DC pipe.

Sunday afternoon...A few friends came over..What a Super Bowl! Excellent game right down to the closing seconds!

Jim Becker
02-04-2008, 10:34 AM
Since this was Professor Dr. SWMBO's week for the YMCA run, I spent a good part of the weekend in the shop working on the cabinetry for the addition's wet bar. Due to the need for speed, I frankly didn't document this project as I normally do. But the base cabinets are completed and partially finished. (Door and drawers will come later, but the carcasses need to be competed "this week") The uppers are partially constructed...basic boxes with pre-finished panels...and I began work on the details just before stopping for the night yesterday. All in all, a very productive weekend.

Oh, and I watched a few minutes of the first half and the half-time performance of "the game"...

George Bregar
02-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Replacement of the frozen burst copper with PEX done! Saved $2,200. :D Most of the grunt work for the downstairs remodel also done...carpet out, all the drywall that was damaged by water or the need for access for plumbing out. Old doors removed. Old water heater removed. Old washing machine removed...also damaged in freeze up...removed. Still a little prep work to go then it's hanging drywall and new doors, and going to take a shot at laying carpet. Then new trim.

Justin McCurdy
02-04-2008, 11:04 AM
Wow, a productive weekend to say the least. I got my grades back from my latest grad class, (102%). That energized me enough to read 1/3 of a dreadful book for my next class. I spent Saturday rearranging the shop to make sure that there was room for my newest purchase (super secret stealth gloat). I was able to make enough room for the new purchase, so I sent a check. I built a cutoff seld for the table saw and a dust shroud for the miter saw complete with 4" dust port. Both of which were on my to-do list for the past year or so. On Sunday I changed the oil in both vehicles (I hate my car for this reason only). Next it was off to the local snow "hill" and I use the term loosely with my oldest daughter for a day of sledding. We came back and watched the Super Bowl. I love it when you get so much done during the weekend that you are still overly tired Monday morning after a good night of sleep.

Tom Godley
02-04-2008, 11:33 AM
I went to the David Ellisworth class this past weekend.

It is a three day class (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) with five students -- Learned more that I could have ever imagined. I had a lot of fun, plus I have direction for my new found desire for turning.. Lets not talk about all the tools :) :)

David and his wife are a delight.

If you get a chance -- GO.


Danny Thompson
02-04-2008, 12:46 PM
All I can say is look for a gratuitous stealth gloat in the next few days coming out of my weekend trip to Birmingham . . .

David Duke
02-04-2008, 1:04 PM
I finally assembled the 8 doors for our pantry unit, I have had everything milled for 2 weeks. I then cut out and assemble 15 drawers for said unit, there is only one exposed drawer the balance will be sliding shelves. Sunday afternoon I went and spent a little time with my mom, got back in time to watch "the game". Overall a pretty good weekend.

Tyler Howell
02-04-2008, 3:10 PM
Did a lot of socializing this weekend dinner Fri with sailing friends,
Breakfast Sat with creeker Al.
Super bowl party with family.
Moved down the punch list on the house.
27 days and counting