View Full Version : Peach (I think!) vessel

Arlan Ten Kley
02-03-2008, 3:17 PM
While traveling through rural Georgia, I came across several pieces of small diameter wood the road crew left in the ditch. As I was in fruit country, and several orchard trees were still along the roadway, I assumed this was peach. I have read that peach and many fruitwoods love to split while drying, but I wanted to maximize the size of the piece so I looked the devil in the eye and used the whole diameter including the pith. Several small radial cracks started to develop while I was hollowing, but I just applied CA immediately and continued. I dried this piece in a double paper bag and was very surprised that no other cracks developed.

The wood did move and it is out of round, but I really like the color and figure in the grain.

3 1/4" tall 3 3/8" wide

Steve Schlumpf
02-03-2008, 3:22 PM
Love the color! Great form and finish! You must be getting quite the collection of hollow forms by now! Once again, very nice work!

robert hainstock
02-03-2008, 4:14 PM
It could be!!! Whatever, those are very nice pieces. conrats. :):)

Mike A. Smith
02-03-2008, 4:17 PM
I like it! The wood may be peach but the form looks apple!

Bernie Weishapl
02-03-2008, 8:36 PM
Great piece Arlan. Don't know the wood but it sure is purdy.

Tom Sherman
02-05-2008, 12:01 PM
Nice one Arlan if it is peach you good to keep it in tact.

Pete Jordan
02-05-2008, 2:09 PM

I really, really like this piece!

Ben Gastfriend
02-05-2008, 3:10 PM
Looks good, despite the cracks! That's some really nice wood, and a very good form.

Arlan Ten Kley
02-05-2008, 4:44 PM
Thanks everyone. I just wish I had larger pieces of this wood...guess I'll have to (get to!) learn how to make small end grain boxes!

Jim Becker
02-05-2008, 5:43 PM

I had a chunk of apricot a few years ago that turned very similarly. You really have to love these fruitwoods for great color and interest.

Nice job!