View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
03-05-2004, 10:22 PM
Hey All,

Boy this having to get up and GO to work is really messing with my SMC time! Spent last weekend moving into our new office and shop and this week getting back to somewhat normal operation. Still don't have internet access in the office yet and won't till Thursday. So, if you buy my excuses, I apologize for being so late posting this.

Hope to get a little more shop time this weekend to continue work on the blanket chest. I haven't learned Hatfield's methods of completing major projects in one weekend, so I keep plodding along. :D

Any sawdust in your weekend plans?

Have a great weekend everyone,

Terry Hatfield
03-05-2004, 10:46 PM

Here's the secret. Build simple crappy looking stuff. Anybody can do that in a weekend. :D

Once agian I'm going to say I'm going to get some finish on the coffee table. This time I really am. I kinda got side tracked on the router table project, but Cheryl's gonna shoot me if I don't get the coffee table done. :eek:

Hope things slow down a bit for you Bob.

Everyone have a good one,


John Miliunas
03-05-2004, 11:00 PM
Going to the "Home Products Show" with LOML tomorrow. That'll probably shoot the bulk of the day. Sunday I'll probably prep some more "slats" for my daughter's room, because I took LOML's word on how many we needed, but I'm going to run out of the ones I made real, real soon. Will hopefully find a little time to build and try a little modification for dust collection on the BS. Everyone have yourselves a super weekend!

Jim Becker
03-05-2004, 11:52 PM
Saturday will probably be absorbed cleaning up the "club" mini-lathe that I borrowed for a second workstation during the training I'm giving on Sunday. The tool currently looks something like John M's molder did when he began to resurect it a few weeks ago...it's been sitting in a member's rather open garage for a long time. Somewhere under all that rust is a little Vicmarc mini lathe and quite suitable for the training. So I doubt I'll get any time sanding the LCD TV stand this weekend.

Saturday night, we're taking my friend Russ and his wife out for a nice dinner in celebration of his recent retirement after over 37 years with the company I work for (and, of course, my birthday). He's now an official full-time cabinetmaker...awesome work, I might add.

Sunday is the aforementioned training as part of Bucks Woodturners "Hands On Weekends" programs, an anual event that provides mentoring in a wide variety of "spinny" activities to raise funds for the club. I have 2 students in the morning and two in the afternoon...with Noah and Tom also looking on. Immediately after that frolic, I have a few minutes for a quick shower and then have to bolt for the airport to catch my ride to the UK for a week of fun-filled "entertaining" of customers; unfortunately wearing a suit for the first time in about two years. LOML will join me there late in the week for a couple days of sightseeing, etc.

DVD of the week already got watched tonight...Momento...very strange film.

David Spicer
03-06-2004, 8:05 AM
Been working on a 1989 Subaru for about a three weeks now replacing the head gasket. Finally got it running yesterday and this weekend will be time to clean up the garage. Hopefully sunday I will be able to get a little bowl turning in or might work a little bit more on a dresser that I'm building for a friend. Everyone have a good and safe weekend.


Terry Quiram
03-06-2004, 8:17 AM
Today I am going to finish up a project for LOML that was started last fall. Tomorrow I start 12 tables for a friend that just retired after 35 years at CAT and bought a tavern! And probably some instant gratification on the lathe.

Dan McGuire
03-06-2004, 8:28 AM
I have just about finished hanging the drywall in my basement project, only a couple more small pieces to fit in. By tomorrow I will be mudding and taping (my favorite :( ) This basement finishing is taking much longer then I would have liked. Unfortunately, I only get to work on it during the weekends. However, once that is completed, I get to build the computer desk for the kid's computer and the shelving systems for the closets. I will be glad to get to work with some wood other than 2x4's I have a years worth of sketchs for other projects that I am itching to get started on.

Ken Salisbury
03-06-2004, 9:20 AM
With the majority of my time being consumed by the FPP I am way behind getting ready for an upcoming Craft Show in 2 weeks. It occured to me that I still need to make some money if I want to continue eating :D. Another 30 or 40 pens and some hidden compartment key rings should get me to the point of having enough inventory for the show.

Next week I will be back on the job of sorting, packing and shipping kit orders. I have 800 more sets of parts coming for the bulk buy and free kit programs. I also have 1200 pen blanks to organize in smaller batches to ship to those who are in need of such.

"No Rest For The Wicked"

Fred Voorhees
03-06-2004, 1:02 PM
Just happened to stop for lunch in between hanging duct for my collection system. All of the ductwork should be hung today YIPPEEE! It has been a great project. Still need to adapt the tablesaw and jointer to the system and make a few small things. In a few minutes, I'm heading off to the local office supply store to see if I can pick up a cheap flatbead color scanner so that I can get the pics posted here within a week or two.

Tyler Howell
03-06-2004, 4:04 PM
Just happened to stop for lunch in between hanging duct for my collection system. All of the ductwork should be hung today YIPPEEE! It has been a great project. Still need to adapt the tablesaw and jointer to the system and make a few small things. In a few minutes, I'm heading off to the local office supply store to see if I can pick up a cheap flatbead color scanner so that I can get the pics posted here within a week or two.Fred we are desperate to see the shop but first things first. Buy some more tools then get the neighbor computer geek to scan the pics for you.:D

Hands on today I’m playing the plumber that doesn’t show belt cleavage. Mom’s garbage disposal and bathroom stool needed attention today.:(
After a trip to Rockler and the neighborhood Ace hardware I’m back home. Going to be sequestered to the shop for the rest of the day. Shop make-over underway.
Have a good one.;)

Jim Becker
03-06-2004, 5:28 PM
Fred we are desperate to see the shop but first things first. Buy some more tools then get the neighbor computer geek to scan the pics for you.

Tyler, you can blame me for this... I meant to have my camera with me on Thursday as I knew I would stop by Fred's after my meetings north of his place. But I unfortunately forgot to put it in my bag when I left the house at o-dark-thirty...the brain cells hadn't been visited by the Starbucks maidens yet.

Tyler Howell
03-06-2004, 5:32 PM
Tyler, you can blame me for this... I meant to have my camera with me on Thursday as I knew I would stop by Fred's after my meetings north of his place. But I unfortunately forgot to put it in my bag when I left the house at o-dark-thirty...the brain cells hadn't been visited by the Starbucks maidens yet.


We understand, your getting older:p:p.
Not a problem JB. We'll see them when they are posted.

Andy London
03-06-2004, 6:32 PM
Today was a craft show, this evening is setting up a new Jet Mini lath I bought for my 13yr old, tomorrow is back to filling an order for these card boxes.

<IMG SRC="http://www.picframer.ca/card3.jpg"WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="250">


Fred Voorhees
03-06-2004, 7:39 PM
[QUOTE=Tyler Howell]Fred we are desperate to see the shop but first things first. Buy some more tools then get the neighbor computer geek to scan the pics for you.:D

Well Tyler, I just got the scanner hooked up and rarin' to go. I can't deliver on the updated shop pics just yet as they still have to be developed. I still have some things to do for the system that I would want to have pictures of so it will be at least a couple of more days before I even get the roll of film to the developers. Don't have a digital camera just yet, but it's on the waiting list. However, shortly, I will scan all of the pictures from my album of past projects and will be posting them soon. Have my youngest brother visiting tonight and all of tomorrow, so I might be occupied with him, though I plan on getting him to give me a hand with some things with the collection system tomorrow morn. Be patient, the pics are on their way. I have to figure out how to work the scanner and the associated software also. :D