View Full Version : Grinding Wheel Info

Glenn Hodges
02-02-2008, 3:16 PM
Not to steal a thread, but I started looking around for a good buy on grinding wheels and I found Georgia Grinding wheel Co. They have what appears to be great buys on pink grinding wheels from $14.95 up to $26.95 on different hardness and widths. They say they will custom make a wheel for anyone. The only problem is they require a minimum purchase of 10 or more. If we could get an order of 10 or more and get them to make a pink wheel 1 inch wide, 8 inches in diameter with a 5/8 in. hole at about 60 or 80 gritfor a good buy, I would buy one. How about you all, what are your thoughts? Check it out by googleing Georgia Grinding Wheel Co. I don't think we are allowed to post links here. Anyway they have some good info about grinding wheels on their site.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-02-2008, 3:20 PM
Glenn....It's my understanding you can post a link here as long as it's not for direct commercial advertising....In other words...posting a link to your commercial site indicating you had some of your turnings for sale would violate the TOSs. Posting the link to the company you are discussing with this thread would be allowable.

If you want to post it go ahead and I'll take the heat and they'll probably ask me to edit it!:D

Glenn Hodges
02-02-2008, 3:25 PM
Thans Ken
For all that would like to visit the site of Georgia Grinding Wheel Co
