View Full Version : Wood Find do I dry or can I use it?

Karin Voorhis
02-02-2008, 2:36 PM
I just posted pics of the wood in this thread http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=75500

An answer came in that I can turn it. A few nice pens so I can have my old tree in my hand would be nice it has a nice spalted grain that would look nice. I also want to make some bandsaw boxes out it. can I make the pens right away or do I have to wait? I have always bought my wood already dried. Thanks

Mike Vickery
02-02-2008, 2:43 PM
pen blanks need to be dry.

However you can cut some up into pen blank sizes and try microwaveing them to dry them. I have done it a couple times before but am no meens an expert.

Karin Voorhis
02-02-2008, 3:27 PM
I am thinking that this it a bit big for the microwave. LOL! Is it ok to cut the wood to the sizes I want before it is dry? I really have so much to learn.

Mike A. Smith
02-02-2008, 4:42 PM
Karin, I think for any kind of drying you use you need to cut 'almost' to size. For the pen blanks I would make them at least 1" square and at least an inch longer than you need them. You will have warpage, how much depends on the wood. For large pieces you should allow more. One of our local experts can probably give you some rough percentages.

robert hainstock
02-02-2008, 4:58 PM
Karin, if the wood is already spalted, it may already be dry. the only way to know forsure is with a moisture meter. Cut and drill a blank, and wait a week. no checking would indicate it is ready to go most likely. I've had wiid from my woodpile thats been drying for years,check on me so it is always a crapshoot. Awaiting the finished product. GOOD LUCK! :confused::confused:

Karin Voorhis
02-02-2008, 9:23 PM
Thank you so much for all the advice and insight thus far. I am so excited about this find I am hoping to get something out of it. Also it was my tree there for the is more meaning then just an amzing spalted piece.