View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
02-01-2008, 7:17 AM
Friday February 1st, 2008

Here it is the first day of February already. Groundhog day tomorrow. I'm hoping for spring by Sunday, or at least the first part of next week.

We've been bitterly cold. And surprise, surprise, we had more snow last night. Not a whole lot, maybe an inch, but I've got to suit up and get the JD out again. The JD has had more use this winter than it got last summer mowing. That's not right!!!

Still going to be too cold to get out to the shop, so I guess I'll amuse myself with other things in the house. Not sure what they'll be, but it doesn't take a whole lot to amuse me. :D

I'll be watching the game Sunday. What I've got to figure out is when I'll have time for a potty break? Can't leave the TV during the commercials. I'm not picking either team, I just hope it's a good game and not a blowout.

Oh yeah, this is Mardi Gras weekend. 10 years ago LOML and I were in N.O. for Mardi Gras. Actually spent a whole week there. What a great time.

So, what's up in your neck of the woods?

Hope ya'll have a good weekend and be SAFE.


Steve Kohn
02-01-2008, 7:20 AM
Up early this morning to discover a fresh dusting of 6 inches on the ground overnight. Having a cup of coffee before the 6:30AM cutoff for no more beverages.

Having my knee 'scoped' at 1:30 this afternoon. This is going to be a wasted weekend. Painful too.

Matt Meiser
02-01-2008, 7:46 AM
New snow here too with another 3-5 expected, depending on how much of it falls as sleet or freezing rain. LOML is working from home today and school is canceled so LOMLjr is home too. It is going to be a rough day at work.

This weekend I need to finish up the cabinets for my parents and hopefully starting applying finish. I got all the plumbing work and all the wall repair done over at their house so the next step is painting which they are hiring out--although I may end up doing the base coat for the faux finish to help schedule wise. I also want to spend a little more time playing around with the Dowelmax I received Monday, and I'm expecting a new kitchen pfaucet to replace the one that is leaking and apparently beyond repair according to the pfine pfolks at Price-Pfister so I'll have to install that.

David Duke
02-01-2008, 8:17 AM
Hopefully I'll get in a full weekend of shop time, I have 8 doors to assemble and 12 drawers to build. Plus there was something going on Sunday evening just don't remember what it was.

Al Willits
02-01-2008, 8:22 AM
To cold Karl???
Aw gee .. I was all set to come over and help ya clean...:D:D:D

Well, unlike the whoosy, I'll be out in the garage trying to get the Polly on the basement railing to dry, the little buttercup has threatened me with severe violence if I don't get it back up soon...tough decision, but I'm low on band aids, so I'll get the railing installed and forgo the other pleasure till Johnson and Johnson makes another delivery and I can restock the medical center.

Drive way has about a inch and half of ice on it, so between that and the railing and TV stand I'm building, it'll be a full weekend.

Might try and get up to Cabela's and pick up another musky rod and reel, headed for Canada this early spring and this time we're going for mostly northerns and musky instead of concentrating on walleyes.

Be safe and well.


alex grams
02-01-2008, 8:55 AM
Putting up more fence posts along the side of my house. I need to move the fence up more to make the yard larger so i can build a storage shed back there to put my yard tools in so i can have more room in the garage!

Also, maybe get some more work done on the cherry breakfast table i am building (but with superbowl weekend and us hosting the party, doubt i will get a lot done...)

Lee Koepke
02-01-2008, 8:58 AM
either replacing my stair treads and risers, or putting a 'ceiling' under my porch deck to dryi it in.

depends on the level of help i can scratch up this weekend.

Tyler Howell
02-01-2008, 9:08 AM
Packing, painting and punch list!
30 more days and counting.

Karl Laustrup
02-01-2008, 10:16 AM
Packing, painting and punch list!
30 more days and counting.

I didn't realize you were getting that close.


George Bregar
02-01-2008, 10:43 AM
Back up nort' to finish the PEX install...just showers, washer/laundry tub hookups, and outdoor bibs to go. Then pull down all the damaged drywall, remove trim and paneling, and pull out the carpet/pad for a remodel. If I have time, hang some sheetrock, which requires carrying 4x12 1/2' 200' down a driveway and snowpacked stairs...so may put that off until I can hire some local help to do the haulin' while I do the hangin'. Mama Bregar didn't raise no fool! :D

Then back home for the Supah Bowl. No football fans?

Jim Becker
02-01-2008, 11:09 AM
Back in the shop this weekend working on the wet bar cabinetry for the addition. I'll also be trying to finalize what we're doing for the laundry room cabinetry as well as for the master closet. Professor Dr. SWMBO has the YMCA run this weekend, so I'll have most of both days to do what I need to do.

Oh, and for anyone following (or interested) in our addition project, I finally got around to posting a BLOG update (http://toscax.us/blog/addition.htm) last night with lot's of pictures.

Dexter Hahn
02-01-2008, 11:16 AM
No shop time for me this weekend... my girlfriend and I are babysitting for some friends tonight, then weather permitting, a healthy drive up to my brother's for a pre-Superbowl get-together Saturday night (bbq ribs, a few good brews, and Wii bowling!), then staying for the game on Sunday (I don't watch football, I'm just there for the company, food, and beverages :D).

Michael Hammers
02-01-2008, 11:40 AM
WOOHOO!!!!!! Finally back in the shop!!:D
After the Holidays and the obligatory case of the flu and winter doldrums I am finally heading over to warm up the shop Saturday!
My bench top is complete along with the end cap. This Saturday I hope to get the base nearly done. All the parts are sized cut and am just waiting to set up the mortising unit (need to put in an additional riser block) and to make the shoulders on all the leg tenon pieces.

Afterwards a cold Newcastle.....:p

Dick Sage
02-01-2008, 11:55 AM
Trying something new on 2 Feb it's ground hog day so we've been invited to a ground Hog party at 0700 AM Sat :-) What a new deal partying in the early hours

Steve Clardy
02-01-2008, 12:04 PM
Will be traveling to KC early saturday morning with a friend, to attend the woodshow up there again. This will be the 17th year now we have done this.

Then back in the shop sunday.

Greg Just
02-01-2008, 2:37 PM
Back in the shop this weekend working on the wet bar cabinetry for the addition. I'll also be trying to finalize what we're doing for the laundry room cabinetry as well as for the master closet. Professor Dr. SWMBO has the YMCA run this weekend, so I'll have most of both days to do what I need to do.

Oh, and for anyone following (or interested) in our addition project, I finally got around to posting a BLOG update (http://toscax.us/blog/addition.htm) last night with lot's of pictures.


I noticed in one of the pictures in your BLOG some nice looking logs? It's the picture where you guys are unloading a truck. It that walnut? Looks like nice stuff!

Fred Voorhees
02-01-2008, 3:47 PM
Will be mostly concentrating on spraying twelve doors for a cabinet project that is ongoing. Waiting on a trio of identical dovetail bits that I ordered from Lee Valley to do the drawers for the cabinetry. I tried to use the existing 14 degree bit in my Leigh jig, but it has lived its life and deserves to be put to rest. Maybe I'll try to sharpen it for back up use in the future. Might possibly get around to dovetailing the drawers if time allows. I am starting a new racing oriented blog for a newspaper that I wrote for for around ten or a dozen years and I will probably get a jump on my first post to that also. Lastly, I have to get out into the bar room soon to ready it for the upcoming NASCAR racing season and the weekly "visit" by the racing buddies.

Larry Fox
02-01-2008, 4:05 PM
More work on my current shop update. 1.5 months in at this point, hope to be warpped up in the next few weeks (but I said that a few weeks ago as well). :)

Jim Becker
02-01-2008, 5:08 PM
I noticed in one of the pictures in your BLOG some nice looking logs? It's the picture where you guys are unloading a truck. It that walnut? Looks like nice stuff!

Yellow Poplar. It will be getting milled once the parade of contractors gets reduced down. The septic folks had to take down two more 70' trees when they did the update of the field up on the hill and unfortunately put the logs in a place that all but makes it impossible for me to bring in the sawyer until after the majority of the other work is done. No matter, I still have to clear out some old, unusable stock before being ready to sticker this new material.

Barry Nelson
02-01-2008, 5:36 PM
A pleasant and mild 23 deg celsius on the south coast of New South Wales Australia:D
By the way what is Gound hog day?Something to herald the coming of spring?

Karl Laustrup
02-01-2008, 6:05 PM
Your on the right track mate.

Legend has it, if the ground hog comes out of his burrow on February 2nd and sees his shadow there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow an early spring is in store. Up here in the "Frozen Tundra" of Wisconsin, I'm looking forward to an early spring.

One odd note about this whole ritual is the fact that the Vernal Eqinox is on March 20th this year. That marks the first day of Spring, which is 7 weeks from when the ground hog may or may not see his shadow.

By the way, the most famous of the forcasting ground hogs is Punxatauny Phil. He hails from Pennsylvania.


gary Zimmel
02-01-2008, 6:07 PM
Going to try and stay warm here. Its been -30 to -40 below for the past week and with the wind chill who knows. Am going to try and get my saw till just about finished this weekend. The doors are next on the list.

Have a great weekend... and lots of shop time..

Bill Wyko
02-01-2008, 6:12 PM
I'll be working on the Humidor again. I need to finish soon. I have an art show to go to at the end of the month.

Gary Keedwell
02-01-2008, 6:16 PM
I'll be working on my Morris chair Saturday. Sunday I'll be watching the Patriots give the dreaded Giants a good old fashioned whooping!!!:D

http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s225/BobbyG53/NewEnglandPatriots1.gif Go Pats


Robert E Johnson III
02-01-2008, 6:20 PM
I'ts going to be warm here in Carolina so I'm going to spend some time installing sheet rock in the garage on Saurday, I haven't decided what type of material that I'm going to install in the shop, you Creekers have given me Ideas. Thanks

Jim O'Dell
02-01-2008, 8:40 PM
I'm planning to go get supplies in the am and start working on the SCMS mobile cart. I think I have the major plans worked out on paper. Hopefully they'll transfer to wood and wood by products properly.
Yeah, I'll probably watch the game Sunday. I usually root for the underdog, but being that would be rooting for the Giants, I think I'll change that this year. :D Jim.

Steven Beam
02-02-2008, 9:51 AM
I'll be tuning up my new CNC plasma cutting table. I know it ain't wood related, but it is a new toy.:)

Dale Osowski
02-02-2008, 12:00 PM
Today I'm having my monitor screen cleaned, http://www.garyrip.com/screenclean.swf

Then working on a small cabinet.


Ken Fitzgerald
02-02-2008, 12:14 PM
Saturday........work on getting the DC pipe hung

Sunday.....more pipe hanging and then some friends are coming over to watch the Giants derail the Patriots.

keith ouellette
02-02-2008, 12:45 PM
Saturday: i am working on a new mobile base for my table saw that will support my router able cabinet.

Sun: Moving my mother in law and sister in law to a new home. Hope I get done early so I can get back in the shop to work.

Lee Koepke
02-02-2008, 1:12 PM
just picked up some metal roofing to install under my back deck. next weekend, install attempt.

Lance Norris
02-02-2008, 1:38 PM
Today(saturday) Im hooking up my new DC, a Grizzly G0548


If I get all that done and still feel froggy, Ill run the electric over to where I moved my drill press.
Sunday~> football and party.

Barry Nelson
02-03-2008, 3:03 AM
So guys, what did the rodent have to say ? Early spring or late spring?

Karl Laustrup
02-03-2008, 7:14 AM
Our local rodent, Jimmy in Sun Prairie, didn't see his shadow and says we're in for an early spring. :)

I'm wondering if tomorrow would be too soon?:rolleyes::)

Punxutauny Phil on the other hand saw his shadow and says 6 more weeks of winter. :(

I'm going with Jimmy.


Peter M. Spirito
02-03-2008, 3:37 PM
Not a bowling fan but will TiVo the Super Bowl to watch the commercials and the last 3 minutes. :confused:

Lee Koepke
02-03-2008, 5:31 PM
all i managed today was anger over my stupidity !!!

i did have a realization....one of my greatest strengths is making myself work 100x harder than i really should .. haha