View Full Version : Shop table - planer / oscil. sander on revolving top?

Chris Cobb
01-30-2008, 10:47 PM
Seems I've seen a post or 2 about this, but I can find plans for a mobile shop station where an oscil. sander is on one side of the top and a planer is on the other - and you simply rotate the top around to work 1 machine vs. the other.

Can someone point me to plans for this worktable? LOML tells me I have to organize my shop (garage) before I get my new bandsaw... this will certainly help get both machines off the garage floor!


Jim Heffner
01-30-2008, 11:13 PM
Chris, get a copy of "The Complete Small Shop" from August Home Publications, on page 90 they have what you are looking for.

Dave MacArthur
01-31-2008, 2:50 AM
also somewhere in shop notes this past year I believe, as I read the article and know what he's talking about, but don't have the mags handy

Steve Leverich
01-31-2008, 12:05 PM
Jim, I entered The Complete Small Shop" from August Home Publications into google, and it was one of the few times Ive gotten ZERO HITS - any more info on where to find this? Amazon doesn't work either.

I have a 36 x 48 building for my shop, but #1 son has 1/3 of a 1-1/2 car garage so I keep an eye out for anything that'll help... Steve

Peter Quadarella
01-31-2008, 3:25 PM
I plan to do this as well. Here's one link: http://www.woodstore.net/swivtoolcab.html

There was a couple other nice ones people built and posted pictures to in this forum. Search planer stand or something similar.

glenn bradley
01-31-2008, 3:28 PM
You've got some good links to plans from our fine folks. Here's my version before I swapped the mitersaw for a sander. Planer is still on one side. IIRC this is the Complete Small Shop version more or less. One tip, don't scrimp on the casters like I did. I am looking to upgrade to full locking.

Steve Leverich
01-31-2008, 5:57 PM
Sooo, anybody got a link to Complete Small Shop? Closest thing I found on Amazon is this


Appreciate knowing if this is what you're talking about or not... Steve

Bill Sticht
01-31-2008, 6:54 PM
Fine woodworking annual issue tools & shops has plans for a rotating planer cart. page 51. hopes this helps.

glenn bradley
01-31-2008, 7:08 PM
Sooo, anybody got a link to Complete Small Shop? Closest thing I found on Amazon is this


Appreciate knowing if this is what you're talking about or not... Steve

They show it here:


But the link appears to be broken. You may have to email Woodsmith or Shopnotes and ask if it is still available.

Steve Leverich
01-31-2008, 7:25 PM
Glenn, thanks - kinda wierd, when I first went to that link the title was there - then I clicked on it, and the page refreshed and "Pfffffffft it was gone..." Steve