View Full Version : Corel Draw Question

James Stokes
01-30-2008, 1:34 PM
I have a bunch of gaskets to cut. I want to set one gasket on the outside edge of another and intersect them and remove the overlapping line. How do I do this?
Here is the file.

Joe Pelonio
01-30-2008, 1:49 PM
I do that with another (sign vinyl) program I have where it's easier, but have done it in Corel. On one of the objects, use the shape tool to break apart the nodes at either end of the shared line, then delete it. Then move it into place to line up perfectly with the other one. With some materials that are not affected by a second pass it's a lot faster and easier to just go ahead and let it cut twice.

Joseph B. Chritz
01-30-2008, 2:34 PM
The gaskets are 2.896 wide, but are spaced 2.897 apart, so they aren't touching.
Delete all but one, set the duplicate distance to 2.896, duplicate as needed.
Now the left side of one is on top of the right side of the next.
Select the virtual segment delete tool and click on each double line once.
If you click it twice, both will be gone, but that's why we have control Z.

James Stokes
01-30-2008, 3:05 PM
I have been using corel ver 11 there is no virtual segment delete tool in it. I have X4 but have not loaded on that machine guess it is time.

Bruce Volden
01-30-2008, 5:10 PM
Try these??? Delete what you don't need.

Carl Sewell
01-30-2008, 5:10 PM
Delete all but the left-most group. Ungroup that group. Select the perimeter object (outline of the gasket) ONLY and duplicate it to the right by the width of the gasket (2.896) using the transformation tool.

Select all of the outlines and then ARRANGE> Shaping> Weld. That will get rid of the interior lines.

Go back and select all the inner pieces and duplicate them the same distance (2.896). See attached.

Is that what you were after? Eliminate the duplicate cut between gaskets? You'll have to go back and draw the cut.

James Stokes
01-30-2008, 6:15 PM
I put the file on a flash drive tried the virtual delete tool in X-4. It worked perfect. I think the upgrade is going to be worth it. Thanks guys:D