View Full Version : WOW!! a $2,385.00 Vacuum

Gary Ratajczak
01-29-2008, 4:22 PM
Just got an e-mail from Oneida - they have released a "Gorilla Vac." Not a misprint - price as listed above. It's on their website as well.

Nice, but I'll save my pennies for a Festool Dust Extractor!

Art Mann
01-29-2008, 5:43 PM
I looked on Oneida's website and could not find anything remotely similar to the Festool vacuum cleaner. Have I missed something here?

Mike Mortenson
01-29-2008, 5:56 PM
I talked to Oneida several days ago about it. It looked like the perfect solution until they told me the price. From what i got out of them it is meant more for like professional hardwood installers and things like that not the avg woodworking shop. I would think in time they could make a cheaper version that would be affordable for the home woodworking shops. Its a great idea just too expensive.

Art Mann
01-29-2008, 6:01 PM
I found it in on a different page from where I looked before. I can't see many people buying that piece for that much money, regardless of the application.

Eric Haycraft
01-29-2008, 6:03 PM
Let's see, I can buy 4 festool 33's for that same price.. All 4 together would probably weigh less than the oneida.
I can't see any floor installer getting one of these. Who would want to haul a 100 pound dust collector out of their van every day and pay more for the pleasure?

Mark Ebert
01-29-2008, 6:14 PM
I got the same email and thought they must have misplaced a decimal point. I went to the website and no, the price really IS $2385 - shipping and handling not included! I recently bought the 3HP dust gorilla from them and paid almost a thousand less for that!

Kevin Murdock
01-29-2008, 6:38 PM
Is that the prototype?

It looks home made.

Like someone bolted a shopvac to a cut-down steel drum. It even has an exposed home electrical box externally mounted on it.

It may work like the dickens, but looks like it was made with off the shelf parts from my nutty neighbor, maybe with his son for the high school science fair.

Greg Peterson
01-29-2008, 6:43 PM
Doesn't look like something one would use in a home shop or even a professional shop. Looks like something one would use on a job site in a private residence or commercial property.

Obviously this tool is aimed at a very specific market. If it saves prep/cleanup time and makes the job easier, it probably wouldn't take long to realize a return on investment.

Ed Brady
01-29-2008, 7:28 PM
Looks like they cobbled together their $180 Dust Deputy and a shop vac. It does include 25' of hose.

Warren Clemans
01-29-2008, 7:32 PM
The funny thing is that they sell the "dust deputy"--just the cyclone and barrel part of the setup--for $175. That plus your existing shop vac should achieve the same thing they're asking $2400 for. It looks like the new tool is powerful--it claims to have dual vacuum motors, whatever that means. Still, I don't see how anyone could justify spending that much money on a shop vac.

Mark Carlson
01-29-2008, 7:43 PM
This is a great idea but way too expensive. This is my version which I thought was expensive.


John Shuk
01-29-2008, 8:37 PM
That does seem like a huge amount of money. If it works as described it could be worthwhile for flooring pros though. The sanders and stuff they carry are already pretty heavy so it will mean another trip. In the long run they might if they are doing the right thing dustwise they may save money on filters and such.

Jim Becker
01-29-2008, 8:43 PM
Don't forget, they used "Industrial" in the name of the thing... LOL

I have absolutely no doubt that the machine is everything they represent it to be and it's probably the bee's knees for the right application. But it's certainly not for me, even as a long-term Oneida fan.

Rod Sheridan
01-30-2008, 8:23 AM
I agree with Jim, it's not for me even though I have an Oneida cyclone.

The vacuum listed has one outstanding characteristic, it's weatherproof.

That's a great advantage to people who work in clean environments, and need a vacuum for drilling/grinding/sawing or remediation work, some of which may be in wet or damp areas, or work where even a HEPA vacuum must be located outdoors with the work indoors.

At work, we have several Nilfisk vacuums, most are HEPA some are ULPA, and they are in the price range of the new Oneida vacuum.

Many vacuums are required to be able in operate in areas that require low noise levels, no electrostatic discharge, and very low EMI emmisions.

Not something you need at home, however certainly something that is required in many applications.

Regards, Rod.

Greg Narozniak
01-30-2008, 8:54 AM
I saw the email and thought "Wow I bet this thing would be great" So I click on the pic and go to the website and I was Dumb founded when I saw the price.

Not sure Professional or not if that will fly

Greg Pavlov
01-30-2008, 9:29 AM
It would be nice to include outboard handles on the sides and/or the ends, maybe hinged to drop down when rolling the unit through tight spaces. It looks like there are handles of a sort on top, but you might want two guys to be able to carry it in many cases.

Nissim Avrahami
01-30-2008, 9:38 AM
It reminds me my R2D2 but without the cyclon.

"Made in the USA"........now I know why "made in Germany" costs so much.....lucky that we have also the "Made in Chiawan" otherwise I would have only 2 tools in my garage...


Thom Sturgill
01-30-2008, 9:49 AM
Lowes' most expensive shop vac is $800, add $175 for the dust deputy plus $25 for some wheels and bungee cords and I think you could have a better system for less than half what they are asking.

Bill Jepson
01-30-2008, 11:40 AM
I thought that I would be forever shocked by the price of my CT33!:D Now I can tell SWMBO I bought a "medium" priced vac!
Bill J

Shawn Walker
02-01-2008, 5:23 PM
Is that the prototype?

It looks home made.

Like someone bolted a shopvac to a cut-down steel drum. It even has an exposed home electrical box externally mounted on it.

It may work like the dickens, but looks like it was made with off the shelf parts from my nutty neighbor, maybe with his son for the high school science fair.
Those were my thoughts when I looked at it . And the price just floored me.
Maybe they will try to package them up with the bigger commercial systems.

michael flay
02-01-2008, 11:05 PM
This vac is probable geared toward asbestos abatement contractors and other heavy duty users.