View Full Version : ridgid TS3650 rails alignment

Scott Burger
01-29-2008, 12:02 PM

new to woodworking and I just purchased a TS3650. When I installed the rails according to the manual I should have my front rail 7 1/8" at the right edge of the main saw table, but when i measure from the edge of the blade to the edge of the fence it's about 1/4" off. Is there a reason to set it up this way, and not adjust it, that I don't know about yet?

Art Mann
01-29-2008, 12:10 PM
The thing about positioning the rails from side to side along the front of the table is that you have to get it close enough so that the pointers on the fence can be adjusted to accurately reflect the width of cut. That is the only issue I can think of. I am not sure I understand the question but maybe this thought wil help.

Bill Jepson
01-29-2008, 12:32 PM
It has been so long since I put my rail on I can barely remember it, but here goes. The scale marker on the fence is adjustable. (The little window with the line and magnifier.) Be sure the scale is near the center to begin with. What I did was to put a 1" block on the table next to the saw blade. I then made sure the fence was set at 1" and slid it to the block. It doesn't need to be perfect just close. (Within about 1/32.) lock everything down. Then check that the fence is square to the blade. Lastly make a test cut to check the actual cut width and adjust the little window/line. Once done mine will reliably repeat within around 1/64" easily.
Good luck
Bill J

Rob Luter
01-29-2008, 12:38 PM
Scott - I found the same thing with my TS3650. I just adjusted the fence rails to suit and wrote it off as a typo.

Vic Damone
01-29-2008, 12:53 PM
I'm not using the original fence but if I recall that measurement simply gets you in the ball park.

For more precise information and alternative assembly instructions try here.
