View Full Version : Changing Jointer Blades on 8" Jointer

Edward Garrett
01-28-2008, 8:46 PM
What is the best way to find top dead center (TDC) when changing jointer knives? I have a Grizzly G0490 8" jointer, and just changed the blades for the first time HOPING to use my "Jointer Pal" set-up jig. Now, I pride myself in being able to follow directions (my wife will attest to this), which I THOUGHT I did meticulously, however....to make a long story short, after ~4hrs, a few pieces of tape, a separate magnet and a dial-indicator I FINALLY got the knives set accurately. In retrospect, I think I messed-up finding TDC right off the bat.

So, either there is a better way and I am just missing something, or I wasted $40 and "scratched" a line in the surface of my (relatively) new jointer for nothing....

Based on this forum, I got some great feedback re: getting new shelix heads for a this jointer and a 20" planer vs. a new drum sander....I had almost decided on the drum sander route, but given the wasted time on the changing the knives, I may just need to reconsider or rebudget!

Dan Boschen
01-28-2008, 9:05 PM
Dump the jointer pal and check out


It takes a little time on the first try, but the results are excellent.

Bruce Wrenn
01-28-2008, 9:50 PM
John White's book "Care and Repair of Shop Machines" shows how to use a scrap of wood and a screw to find TDC. Plus a lot of other useful tips and info.

Eddie Darby
01-28-2008, 10:01 PM
Here is a link that will find TDC with a dial gauge.


"Rest the indicator stylus on a knife edge and rotate the cutterhead until you find top-dead-center. (The position where the indicator reading is at its maximum)"

Rick Gifford
01-28-2008, 11:12 PM
I use the Oneway Multi Gauge to find TDC, and set the knives.

Greg Funk
01-28-2008, 11:34 PM
I use the Oneway Multi Gauge to find TDC, and set the knives.
+1. And it works for the planer as well.