View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
01-28-2008, 11:31 AM
Good Morning
28 Jan 2008

Boy has this month ever flown by. I've been so busy at work that if feels like new years was just last week and here it is, about to be February!!! Sheesh!

No woodworking for me....again....but my younger 2 son and I worked on getting our kindling made and bundled for the rest of this years heating season as well as getting a head start on next years heating season. We really, REALLY enjoy our woodstove heating and this is our 3rd year to heat exclusively with wood. It's warm, comfortable, and our utility bill is "dirt cheap" during our heating season. We've reduced our cost of natural gas use in our home from an average of $300 per month down to $35 per month by using wood heat. I just wish we could do something like that for our hot summer months.

I played bass at church this sunday and I play again this coming sunday then I'll have a break of 3 weeks from playing.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Lee Koepke
01-28-2008, 11:33 AM
i went to the WW show in ATL. Didnt buy too much, and nothing that plugs in !!

Started piping some air for my shop, finishing up some loose ends in the basement bar. All in all, kind of a lazy weekend.

Matt Meiser
01-28-2008, 11:48 AM
Friday night was spent gutting my parent's bathroom--removing all the old wainscoatng, cabinetry, flooring, and fixtures other than the shower. Saturday we spent most of the day running errands including picking up what I though I needed to move the sink plumbing. Sunday I did the plumbing but of course I was wrong about what I needed so LOML ran to Lowes twice and then we went one more time to Home Depot. And the caps I bought to temporarily cap off the sink supply lines didn't fit right so I ran up and down the stairs about 20 times turning the water on and off before I got them sealed. Then when I went to change out the shower arm it broke off in the wall so I had to make another hole to get that loose. I hate plumbing, especially when it means doing mud work to fix the holes which I also hate. Not sure why I agreed to get myslef into this. :D

Woodworking realted, we were out when the mail came Saturday and when we got home there was a card from our mail carrier that I have a package requiring signature from O.M.S. (maker of the Dowelmax.) I was kind of bummed that I missed it but since I wasn't expecting it until Wednesday or so and I'll get it today I'm still happy.

David Duke
01-28-2008, 11:54 AM
Spent Saturday milling parts for the pantry cabinet doors, Sunday the LOML through me a birthday bash and we entertained about 50 people (Saturday was actually my Bday but we have found that Saturdays are hard to get everyone together).

Rick Gifford
01-28-2008, 12:18 PM
I have been so busy working on the shop. Finally got insulation in and the dust collection finished. This weekend wrapped all that up.

I have some bottle stoppers to turn and need to make a display box for my sister. Need to get busy with the wood!

Joe Mioux
01-28-2008, 9:42 PM
finished a walnut easel for floral displays. It is sort of a prototype. the next one will definitely see some improvements.

Also finished a display case for two sets arrows (as in bows and arrows) that I Robin Hooded about 10 years ago. that case is walnut with a light wood back drop. It came out pretty nice.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-28-2008, 9:56 PM
Friday night and most of Saturday, Nannie and Pa-pa played host to our great-granddaughter Riley. At 18 months, it takes 2 aging adults to try to keep up with her.

Friday evening worked on installing my DC plumbing. After a few frustrating hours, gave up in disgust.

Sunday back at the plumbing of the DC.

Jim Becker
01-28-2008, 9:59 PM
Despite having the YMCA run for karate and swimming on Saturday and a "Father Frost" Russian Christmas party on Sunday afternoon, I manage to spend about $600 on 6 pieces of plywood Saturday morning and got started on the wet bar cabinets for our addition. I even worked late in the shop on Saturday night. I really want to get these done before some upcoming business travel keeps me out of the shop for far longer than I prefer...

George Bregar
01-28-2008, 11:34 PM
Went to my lake home, took a monster Menard's delivery for repair and remodeling of the place and my shop build out, tore out all the old copper because of freeze/burst, and installed a PEX system. Stuff is sweet. Love the manifold system. Turn off any run. My only woodworking was cutting and mounting that plywood and 2x backer!