View Full Version : Gloat - New Hydraulic Copy Lathe

Jared Greenberg
01-28-2008, 2:55 AM
My new lathe arrived last Friday (Centauro T5 1600). Started to get it off the skid that it was shipped on. Getting a shop crane (approx 3100 lbs) on Monday to get it into place so it can be wired in - it is a 3 phase machine, so I had to buy a phase converter .

Was a long haul getting everything ready for it to show up; a couple of trips (San Antonio and Salt Lake City) to see different versions and deciding on what machine would be the best for us. Then we decided to build a new shop, which wasn't the easiest project. But it is here and all the work; and there was a lot was and will be totally worth the effort.

The new shop as you can tell since there's nothing in it was finally finished 45 min before it arrived. We will start moving in other lathes and tools this week, getting some shelving in for wood and build some benches.

I have a 45000 BTU forced air heater in the shop...good thing it is only -44 celcius here today.






Alex Elias
01-28-2008, 3:56 AM
That is the mother of all lathes. After I thought I've seen it all. What kind of things do you guys do?
I should get one to turn my pens
Congrats on the new shop and the machine

Mike Heidrick
01-28-2008, 8:40 AM
Wow, looks awesome. Give us some more info on what you guys do .

Greg Sznajdruk
01-28-2008, 9:51 AM
-44 C it's not that cold in Tuktoyaktuk, you must be pretty close to Santa's Work Shop. Nice tool what are you going to use it for?

Kingston is a balmy -2 C shorts and tee wheather in comparison.


Jared Greenberg
01-28-2008, 12:55 PM
Well apparently it is now down to -46 with the wind...I am right between Edmonton and Calgary they are 1:10 each way.

We make baseball bats. We were using a Mini Max for the last 3 years, but it can no longer handle our production needs and working on it is quite cumbersome.

With this you would load either a sample or a template and the hydraulic copiers trace it. I can do a bat in about 70 seconds and will give the capacity for about 20-24 thousand per year at full capacity and no down time for maintenance.

Ben Gastfriend
01-29-2008, 6:34 AM
Wow! Talk about the monster of lathes- and the monster of all air heaters! 45000 BTU's!???

Bernie Weishapl
01-29-2008, 9:36 AM
Congrats on the new lathe. Look like a monster. How big is your shop? 45,000 BTu's doesn't sound to large. Post a picture of some of your bats. Would like to see them.

Paul Engle
01-29-2008, 9:50 AM
Alright Jared,,, can ya sneak a bowl or two in on it ?????? awsome , I saw a profile on Spokane PBS , about a bat maker in Canada who was doing 20m+ bats a year was that anything to do with u? I live in Sandpoint , maybe some time I'd like to come up and see your operation .... during the summer for sure...swap ya some litehouse dressing for a bat ? as ya proably got enuf snow ......;)

Glenn Hodges
01-29-2008, 11:44 AM
Holly mackerel der Jarred, I will be looking forward to seeing that one in action.

Jared Greenberg
01-29-2008, 12:13 PM
Shop is just over 500 sq feet. It is nice in there today. Amazing what a little heat does.

I am really looking forward to getting it wired so we can get it running and figure the ins and outs. When ever you get a new machine figuring out the machine and getting to 'know' it is fun and daunting all at the same time.

Doug Thompson
01-29-2008, 12:25 PM
Awesome doesn't even begin to discribe this lathe.. WoW!

Jared Greenberg
01-29-2008, 12:34 PM
You can see pics...check my website