View Full Version : Velvit Oil... a couple questions

Craig Stueve
01-27-2008, 2:30 PM
I know that some of you seem to really like the Velvit Oil products so I would like to pick your minds here.

I am getting close to closing on a home that has red oak floors in both bedrooms, the hall, and the living room. The only room now that does not have carpet over it is the master bedroom. The finish is in fair shape for its age (40 years). I would like to strip and refinish all the floors before I move in. I will be the only one living there and typically I do not wear my shoes in the house. I really like what I have read about the Velvit Oil products. But I do have a few questions for those of you who have used their products.

For those of you who have used it on floors how has it help up over time? Got any pictures?

Are you able to combine different colors to get a different shade? Or could you just add something like aniline dye to modify the color? I am looking for more of an earthy red tone. I am thinking of something like a 1 to 1 combination of warm cherry and light pine.

Are the coverage estimates of 350 sq ft for the first coat and 500 for additional coats fairly accurate?

Would you recommend using a buffer to finish the final coat?

Are there any tips you have when using it for finishing floors?


Howard Acheson
01-28-2008, 1:44 PM
Velvit Oil is an oil/varnish mixture. While the proportions of linseed oil and varnish may vary, products like Watco, Minwax Tung Oil Finish, Antique Oil and others are all quite similar. Like other oil/varnish mixtures, it has limited protective qualities. While it could certainly be used for a wood floor coating, it will not be anywhere as durable, protective and long lasting as a good oil based or waterborne floor finish.

It must also be applied to a floor that has had all the old finish removed. For floors, that means sanding with a floor sander starting with 60 grit and moving up to 150 grit.

You can certainly mix colors to get a color you like.

Craig Stueve
01-29-2008, 11:00 PM
Thanks for the information Howard.

I understand that this type of finish will not give the same level of protection as a typical floor but I like the look this type of finish.
