View Full Version : Cherry Vortex

Tom Keen
01-27-2008, 9:33 AM
Something a little different for me. Ive been experimenting with thick-walled bowls. Black Cherry 7" X 3". Sanded to 600 and oiled. And, symbolic of the wood-turning black hole that is sucking down most of my discretionary income, a Vortex :)

Thanks for looking!

80166 80167

Skip Spaulding
01-27-2008, 9:45 AM
Nice piece! I think most of us with little money and lots of tools can identify with it.:D

Paul Engle
01-27-2008, 10:08 AM
What a neat bowl, perfect.:D

Arlan Ten Kley
01-27-2008, 10:45 AM
How symbolic! The grain plays nicely to the theme....

Steve Schlumpf
01-27-2008, 10:55 AM
Interesting concept - very nice workmanship! Love the wood color, grain pattern and the soft finish! Nice to turn something that has a story to go along with it!

Ben Gastfriend
01-27-2008, 1:31 PM
Nice job. Talk about symbolism. The grain pattern really follows the circular motion down into the depths of the vortex. Nice piece!

Brian Brown
01-27-2008, 1:58 PM
Nice piece! Definitely illustrates the vortex that we are all familiar with. By the way, what is this "discretionary income" of which you speak? I don't think I have any of that? Where can I buy some?

Alex Elias
01-27-2008, 4:50 PM
nicely done. I used to have that kind of income not long ago. Congrats