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View Full Version : Corel X3 Question - order of cuts

Tim Bateson
01-26-2008, 2:08 PM
I have 30+ objects vector cutting out of a single piece of material. How can I force print order rather then the order each item was placed on the graphic? In other words the laser skips around the whole work surface and this doesn’t seem very efficient.

Carl Sewell
01-26-2008, 2:49 PM
I don't know if it's true for Epilogs, but have you tried ordering the objects in the object manager? That, effectively, changes the order in which the objects were placed in the drawing.

Duane Parcells
01-26-2008, 7:41 PM

This is off Epilog's website. A tutorial which should be what you are looking for.



Tim Bateson
01-27-2008, 9:21 AM
Thanks Duane, That did the trick. Took 30 sec of a 2:30 run time.

Mitchell Andrus
01-27-2008, 9:43 AM
Tim, please change the name of this post add "order of cuts" or similar so it can more easily be found via search in the future.

I thought there was a post a few months back... X3 will automatically order lines in object mgr. according to their proximity to one another and cut abutting segments as a contiguous cut. Anyone know of this control?

Rodne Gold
01-27-2008, 11:38 AM
Apart from object manager , check if your laser has any optimisation routines in its driver, using these is often quicker and more effective than reordering items in a drawing.
Mitchell, the GCC drivers have very nice optimisation , even going so far as to cut inside holes first then outside.

Benedict Roussos
01-27-2008, 12:02 PM
I find it easier to press shift+pgup or pgdn to put in order the pieces I want to cut rather than use data manager. It's much faster. And If I want to laser from a specific node I break this node and rejoin it to start from there