View Full Version : TS Fences

Michael O'Sullivan
01-26-2008, 12:27 PM
In all these discussions of which table saw to buy in a given price range, I haven't seen much discussion of the quality of the stock fence. Since an after-market fence can easily run $200-400 (absent bizarre Borg sales), an inadequate stock fence really throws off the economics of a "bargain" purchase.

I was wondering what people's thoughts on the following are:

Shop Fox/Grizzly Classic
Shop Fox/Grizzly Industrial
Steel City Deluxe
Steel City Industrial

Lance Norris
01-26-2008, 1:01 PM
I have a Unifence and it is good and bad. Let me explain...it has lots of features I like. It has the ability of the fence face to be slid forward and backwards on the table. When I cut large sheet goods, I slide it back so I can engage the plywood and get solid contact with the fence before it reaches the blade.This really helps to get straight contact with the blade. In the reverse, if im ripping a board, I like to slide the face of the fence past the table on the outfeed side because it helps me to get a straight cut on the last few inches of the board. The unifence also has the dual profile so you can have a tall face and a short face. I usually leave the short face down to the table as this allows me to keep the largest part of my hand away from the blade. This is all good, and no other fence can do these things. Now the bad... The shape of the fence bar makes it hard to attach jigs and hold down devices. There are work-arounds for this, but it just makes it more dificult to do this as opposed to a more conventional fence design. One way to eliminate the hold-down problem is with the Uni-t-fence from peachtree. It is a replacement fence face that has t slots machined into the faces. But, its an extra $100. Also bad is the way the fence head prohibits you from using a jig that would ride on both sides of the fence and slide down the table. Such as a homemade tenoning jig. Again there are workarounds, like buying a tenoning jig for the miter slot. Lastly, on a right tilt saw. you need to remove the fence face and reinstall it on the other side of the head to make a rip with the blade tilted for a bevel. Sure you can do it, but its nice with a conventional fence to just be able to slide the fence over the blade and use the other side of the face.
I like the unifence. Its versatile and unique. It has its good features and bad. I think the good outweigh the bad and recommend it. I think most people would agree, its a good design.

OH...one other thing I forgot is the Unifence requires the use of a side table because it only has one rail. This can be a benefit because it gives you more working surface for the tablesaw.

Cary Falk
01-26-2008, 1:06 PM
Shop Fox/Grizzly Classic - I have this one on my old Unisaw and like everything about it except the magnified cursor. I had to make my own cursor. You can't beat this fence for the money.
Shop Fox/Grizzly Industrial - no experience
Steel City Deluxe - no experience
Steel City Industrial - I played with one in the store. Moves with one finger. Very nice.
Unifence - No experience. I just personally don't like Al fences.