View Full Version : Mantel Clock...

Mark Mazzo
03-03-2004, 9:09 AM
I've been working for a while on an Arts & Crafts style dresser from QS White Oak for my son's bedroom (using a measured drawing from one of Bob Lang's (http://www.craftsmanplans.com) books). It's a big project for me and it has been taking a while.

I had some scraps of the Oak and decided to make this Mantel Clock from a plan available from Woodsmith (http://www.plansnow.com). It was a relatively quick project and I was able to make good use of some of the Oak scraps that I had.

I tried out a finish recipe on the clock to see if I would like it for the dresser when it gets to that stage. It's a coat of Watco Cherry, then a coat of Watco Medium Walnut. Topped off with a few coats of Tried & True Varnish Oil and rubbed out with steel wool and paste wax. I think it looks OK, but I'm not sure if it shows off the rays in the Oak enough.

The clock face and Quartz movement came from Klockit (http://www.klockit.com). The glass is just a piece of 1/8" plate glass from a glass shop and the 1/2" brass knob came from Lowes.

Thanks for looking.


Lynn Sonier
03-03-2004, 9:13 AM
Great looking clock, I like it! I really like working in red oak as it looks so good when you finish.

Kent Cori
03-03-2004, 9:21 AM

It looks like you did a great job on this clock. I'm sure it is something your family will appreciate every time they look at it.

Could you let us know what issue of Woodsmith contained the plans?

We're looking forward to the dresser pics in the near future too!

Peter Stahl
03-03-2004, 9:42 AM

Nice bunch of scraps you thew together.


Tyler Howell
03-03-2004, 9:48 AM
Too Nice Mark ! Too nice!

Jason Tuinstra
03-03-2004, 10:40 AM
Mark, great job. The wood look good to me. The rays show up just fine. Nice clock!

Chris Padilla
03-03-2004, 11:11 AM
Purty...reeeeel purty! Finish works for me! :D

Daniel Rabinovitz
03-03-2004, 12:10 PM
Very nice!
Nice size also
Daniel :cool:

Byron Trantham
03-03-2004, 2:48 PM
an old chicago tune, "Does anybody really know what time it is?"

And the answer is: "Yea, Mark does." ;)

Very nice project. The finish is just top notch.

Dale Thompson
03-03-2004, 10:09 PM
I REALLY like the looks of your clock! I especially like the top/bottom "balance". I made about six mantle clocks before I got the "balance" right. Well - sort of - I've never gotten ANYTHING right!? :(

Nice job, Mark - VERY nice!!

Dale T.

Mark Mazzo
03-04-2004, 8:53 AM
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It was a fun project and I think that the finish is growing on me.

Lynn: Actually, this one is out of Quarter Sawn White Oak.

Kent: Actually, I got the plan for this free from PlansNow. They have a few downloadable plans available for free (it was originally in a Woodsmith, but I'm not sure which issue). Look here (http://www.plansnow.com/ppsample.html) for the plan.

Byron: You brought back good memories...I'm an old Chicago fan myself! Thanks for the comments on the finish.

-- Mark

John Miliunas
03-04-2004, 9:12 AM
To echo what Peter said, that's a mighty fine looking bunch o'scraps you got there, Mark! Very well-balanced look and I concur with the other guys that the finish looks great! IMHO, Oak is a real bear to get a nice finish on it and me thinks you nailed it! Thanks for the post! :cool:

Lloyd Robins
03-04-2004, 9:17 AM
I really like oak, also. The clock is great. Good job!

Bill Spero
03-04-2004, 2:07 PM
Mark, Really nice piece, it has a lot of character.

Matt Bridges
03-04-2004, 5:23 PM
Now that is an AWESOME clock!
