View Full Version : Strange drill press chuck question

Peter Quadarella
01-25-2008, 3:22 PM
So, I've had my Steel City drill press for 4 days now, and it is working great for me. I had some initial questions about it, but now that I have it all figured out everything is working great.

I went to my local Woodcraft yesterday and walked by the one they had on display. I noticed that the chuck on that one looked different than mine. I then noticed that the Delta standing next to it had the same chuck that mine has.

I just went online to look at the manufacturer's pictures, and sure enough, the chuck I have matches the one in the Delta pictures and is different from the Steel City pictures.

There was nothing strange about the packaging when I received it. The chuck looked like it fit in there fine. Does anyone know what is going on? BTW, my chuck says this on it: 5/8" JT3

Lance Norris
01-25-2008, 4:18 PM
Im sure the manufacturer(SC in this case) just buys whatever chuck is available and affordable within their specs. This is the same thing the auto manufacturers do. There is nothing wrong with this, its just the way they do things. Look at any hand drill and you will see, for the most part, Jacobs chucks. Same deal. I wouldnt lose any sleep over it.:)

Eddie Darby
01-25-2008, 8:04 PM
Forget the looks and concentrate on the performance.

Have you measured the run-out on the chuck?

The more $$$ the chuck the better the tolerances, but having said that I have a cheap chuck that is only 0.0005" out!

JT3 is 'Jacobs Taper 3' so you can replace the chuck or the arbor if needed.

The arbor will be a MT-2 which is "Morse taper - 2' .

5/8" is the maximum shank the chuck can handle.

Chuck Lenz
01-25-2008, 10:16 PM
So, I've had my Steel City drill press for 4 days now, and it is working great for me. I had some initial questions about it, but now that I have it all figured out everything is working great.

I went to my local Woodcraft yesterday and walked by the one they had on display. I noticed that the chuck on that one looked different than mine. I then noticed that the Delta standing next to it had the same chuck that mine has.

I just went online to look at the manufacturer's pictures, and sure enough, the chuck I have matches the one in the Delta pictures and is different from the Steel City pictures.

There was nothing strange about the packaging when I received it. The chuck looked like it fit in there fine. Does anyone know what is going on? BTW, my chuck says this on it: 5/8" JT3
I'm not sure what it is your geting at. Is there a problem with the chuck ?

Peter Quadarella
01-26-2008, 1:59 AM
No problem at all, it works great. I was just surprised that direct competitors seemed to be using the same parts. I didn't realize that the chuck's construction was outsourced to 3rd parties. Thanks for the info as usual :).