View Full Version : Delta Unifence on Craftsman 113-29 saw?

jason mowery
01-24-2008, 12:21 PM
Hello! I've really enjoyed reading this forum for the last several months, and figured you might be able to give some advice on a question I have...
I saw a new Delta Unifence assembly at Lowes yesterday, still in the box, with rails and table extension included, on clearance for $149. I was wondering if anyone had any idea whether it work with an older Craftsman 10" model 113.29**** series table saw, or whether is could be adapted to do so without major headaches. I actually like this saw just fine, but the fence isn't a great design, it has a screw-in/out handle to lock it in place, and it's a little aggravating. I don't have huge $$$ to spend on a Bies fence or one of the upgrades at Rockler or elsewhere, so I was hoping this might be a workable solution.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Greg Heppeard
01-24-2008, 12:23 PM
You may have to do some drilling in the saw table, but it shouldn't be too hard to do. I actually like the unifence system better than the Biesemeyer, but that's my personal choice...there are ups and downs with all fence systems I think.

Chuck Lenz
01-24-2008, 1:02 PM
The Unifence is nothing to sneeze at, you got a great deal on it. I've had a Unifence on a Delta contractors saw since I bought it all new 13 years ago and I have absolutly no complaints at all about it. Take your time and I'm sure you will get it installed just fine. I'm sure someone in here has put one on the model saw you have.

Steve Campbell
01-24-2008, 2:53 PM
Jason I put a bie on my old Craftsman and it went on very easy. The unifence goes on the same way so I don't think you should have any problems. You will more than likely have to drill new holes in the edge of your table saw but that is very easy to do.
I hope you have already left to get it. It sure sounds like a great deal to me. You won't believe the difference.


jason mowery
01-25-2008, 8:30 AM
Thanks for the help folks. Actually, I went back to Lowes yesterday, and asked the tool lady if she anticipated that the fence would lower in price any more...she looked it up on the computer, and after finding out that Lowes no longer intends to carry that product, she said she'd let me have it for $120!!! Needless to say, it's in the back of my truck as I write this. I haven't had time to unbox it yet, but judging from what you guys are saying, there shouldn't be an issue with the fence being too long for my Craftman saw, right? That's my big concern. She said I can bring it back if it doesn't work for me, which is nice. Drilling holes and making some minor adjustments doesn't worry me at all, I'm just concerned with the fence length issue, which might not even be an issue. Can any of you elaborate on the installation process and lenght issue? Thanks!

Chuck Lenz
01-25-2008, 9:47 AM
Why are you worried about the length of the fence ? My Delta came with the fence when I bought it new and it is longer than my table is deep. Never been a issue for me, it's better if it's a little long. Takeing that fence back if the only reason is you don't like the length would be very foolish.

jason mowery
01-25-2008, 10:04 AM
Regarding the fence length question, considering the fence attaches to and rides along the rails, I was just thinking that if the fence is way longer than the table is deep, then I would have to figure out some way to jury rig the rails X distance from the table in order to be able to use the fence. You're talking about using a delta fence on a delta saw, no? I'm talking about using a delta fence on a Craftsman saw. This weekend I should be able to check it all out and hopefully get it installed, I was just wondering if there were any dimensional hurdles I needed to consider.

Steve Campbell
01-25-2008, 10:06 AM
Jason I put a 52 inch fence on my old Craftsman and love it. you should not have any problems they should have a set of legs that come with the fence.


Chuck Lenz
01-25-2008, 10:06 AM
There is only one rail on a Unifence. There is no back rail.

jason mowery
01-25-2008, 10:12 AM
-Good to know. I had no idea there was only one rail. That pretty much clears that question up! :)

Thanks for you guys' help, I really appreciate it! Best wishes!