View Full Version : Fancy Glass

Dan Stuewe
03-02-2004, 4:19 PM
I noticed in the latest Rockler flyer that they are selling 25 different styles of glass pannel. A quick look at http://www.rockler.com/project/gallery/glass-25styles.cfm it seems that they are running $0.10-$0.12 a sq. inch. (min 144 sq inches, with additional $15 shipping charge). Do you think these are okay prices? Or can you get a better deal at a glass shop? (just for reference, I'm in southern California) Going to the nearest Rockler isn't any more convienent to me than any number of local glass shops. BTW, I'm only looking at needing two 8-ish x 20-ish panels (haven't finalized the design).


Scott Coffelt
03-02-2004, 6:03 PM
It really depends on the glass, but it can be pretty expensive. I recently paid $20/sqft for some ribbon type glass. Now it was also twice as expensive compared to most of the other glass they had.

I would check out glass suppliers and stain glass places locally before bitting on this. I also get concerned will mailing glass. Just my 2 cents.

Chris Padilla
03-02-2004, 6:10 PM
Take your Rockler catalog to some local glass shops and ask them if they can beat it. I would guess that they can since Rockler tends to be a tad on the expensive side but I'm just guessing.

I bought a piece similar to the 1/2" square Art Deco style (about 20" by 14") for around $25 if my memory is worth a darn. Glass shops often have a minimum size you can purchase but occasionally you'll get lucky and they'll have some scrap of what you want in the size you want. Rockler's might charge more due to the fact that you can order any size you want.

Byron Trantham
03-03-2004, 2:59 PM
Dan, I did a little math and arbitrarily picking a 12 cent and inch material, it comes out to about $2 sq ft. I pay $1.75 sq foot for plain single strength. I don't pay shipping and glass is heavy which will drive the cost up even more. All-in-all, the price seems reasonable to me.

As an aside, Rockler has all kinds of hard to find stuff and their prices can actually be mute since I usually can't find a similar material elsewhere.

Byron Trantham
03-03-2004, 4:43 PM
Try closer to $17 a square foot.

Opps! :confused: Open mouth......

Greg Heppeard
03-03-2004, 5:41 PM
Most of this stuff is available at a stained glass shop..

Chris Padilla
03-03-2004, 6:17 PM

Here's a hint...you can go back and edit your posts and no one's the wiser! ;)