View Full Version : Loose Tounge And Groove

Trey Isbell
01-23-2008, 7:19 PM
I Am Making A Loose Tounge And Groove On Cabinet Doors And Was Wondering Can I Glue The Loose Tounge In Where The Rail And Stile Meet And Not Have To Worry About Wood Movement Since It Is Such A Small Amount Of The Rail And Stile That I Am Gluing To

keith ouellette
01-23-2008, 7:37 PM
If I get the question right there will be a panel floating in the door... if there is then it wouldn't be any different than a cope and stick which is bonded together at the rail and stile with a panel floating in the middle. so I would say the loose tenon would be just fine.

Jim Becker
01-23-2008, 9:48 PM
"Loose tenons" generally get glued. The name just refers to the idea that they are physically separate from (loose from) both pieces you are joining prior to assembly, unlike a traditional M&T joint. A good bit of the strength of the joint comes from the glue area that this type of joint provides.

Jesse Cloud
01-23-2008, 9:54 PM
Why do you want to glue it? If its to avoid any possible rattling, just shoot a little caulk into the groove.