View Full Version : how long should a router bit last

Luis Oliveira
01-22-2008, 4:36 PM
Hi all,
I bought a brand new bit Freud 99-065 Finger Pull Door Lip Router Bit

I used it to route that design around 8 drawer fronts (8x18), I used hickory as my wood and when I tried to used it again, it felt as it had to much resistance and I had to use a lot of force. Is the bit already doll.

I don't really know what a dool bit will feel like? but I can not imagen that after 8 drawer fronts this bit is useless.

I cleaned it after I completed the project but I was not very sure I could you it for any other projects.

any ideas would be appreciated.

Jason Beam
01-22-2008, 6:11 PM
Hickory's likely the problem, most likely. It's HARD HARD stuff and will be pretty tough on your tooling. Not only that, the pores are such that dirt can get lodged in them and further dull your bits. Generally as a bit gets dull, you'll notice a slow progression of resistence - it gradually gets harder and harder to feed, or put another way it cuts slower. This usually is accompanied by burning and rough surfaces left behind as well. I am willing to bet that the hickory's your biggest dulling factor.

Luis Oliveira
01-22-2008, 7:42 PM
Thanks Jason.

pat warner
01-22-2008, 7:45 PM
Some notes on cutter life. (http://patwarner.com/routerbits.html)