View Full Version : Oklahoma Turners?

Dustin Cranford
01-21-2008, 9:33 PM
Any bowl turners from Oklahoma here that may be interested in answering a few questions? If so please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Allen Neighbors
01-21-2008, 9:50 PM
Does close count? I'm in Texas, 26 miles from Oklahoma. :)

Tim A. Mitchell
01-21-2008, 9:54 PM
Why limit?

Dustin Cranford
01-21-2008, 11:07 PM
Guess it don't have to be limited. Just figured they would have a better idea of where I can pick up some turning supplies for bowls. Like a bowl gouge, blanks ect... Only places I know of in the state are Woodcraft in OKC and Tulsa.

Also wanting to see about finding someone that may be interested in showing me some tips ect.. on turning bowls. I turn pens now, but want to broaden out a little. I of course would be willing to pay for their time if need be.

Would love to join a club, but there is only 2 I know of, both being a 2 hour drive 1 way. Any suggestions on the clubs?

Bill Embrey
01-21-2008, 11:33 PM
I'm in Okmulgee Dustin... and with the two truckloads of wood I just got... I've got blanks :)

Bill Blasic
01-22-2008, 7:56 AM
I belong to three clubs, one in my town and two in another state. The two in the other state are 1 1/2 hour and 2 hour trips oneway. They are worth every minute and every gallon of gas. As far as gouges go do a search for Thompson Lathe Tools and I assure you you'll not find a better tool for a better price. One other thing I would look into down there is SWAT. It would be well worth your time to look into this symposium held in Texas every year. Hope this helps.

Greg Heppeard
01-22-2008, 9:23 AM
I'm in Okmulgee Dustin... and with the two truckloads of wood I just got... I've got blanks :)

Whatcha got?

Where in OK are you?

Bill Embrey
01-22-2008, 10:12 AM
Greg, I got Black Walnut and Redbud... a truckload of each (granted, my truck is a mazda... but it's still a lot of wood). Can't tell what the bike is in your avatar... but if you want to come by, you can see the shop and our Goldwing and get some goodies.

Dennis Peacock
01-22-2008, 10:47 AM
And I'm in Arkysaw and that's purdy closet to OK. :D

Greg Heppeard
01-22-2008, 11:06 AM
Greg, I got Black Walnut and Redbud... a truckload of each (granted, my truck is a mazda... but it's still a lot of wood). Can't tell what the bike is in your avatar... but if you want to come by, you can see the shop and our Goldwing and get some goodies.

'06 Shadow 1100 Sabre....when it warms up a little I'll ride out. Too much ice on the road today. :D You can come to my shop too if you like...it's in a constant state of disarray, but I think that's normal since I am too. :eek: :)

Greg Heppeard
01-22-2008, 11:07 AM
And I'm in Arkysaw and that's purdy closet to OK. :D

You know, Dennis, I need to go on a longer ride one day this summer. I'll be down.

Jerry Casler
01-22-2008, 11:19 AM
Hi, I'm like Dustin, for me I'm just getting back into wood working after a long time and getting ready for retirement. I'm having to replace alot of tools since someone broke into our storage during one of our moves and stole about 5g's worth of tools:mad:. I live just to the west of Lawton would like to find somebody close to get help in turning. The club in OKC is like 90 miles away and I work 6 days a week. Thanks for the help in advance.

Greg Heppeard
01-22-2008, 11:24 AM
Sorry Jerry....both for your tool loss and me not being close enough to be much help.

Bill Embrey
01-22-2008, 11:31 AM
Jerry, when the weather gets a little better, I could be persuaded to take a ride down that way... looks like it would be a good bike ride... ;) and I love a "reason" to go for a ride

Jerry Casler
01-22-2008, 11:51 AM
Thanks you two. I appreciate it. Looking at buying a lathe first to make sure that I have the room and the desire. Looking at the Rikon http://www.woodcraft.com/images/products/832637_230.jpg

RIKON Mini Lathe

Model 70-100and the new jet coming out next month


708376VS - JWL-1220VS: 12"x20" Variable Speed Wood Lathe

Jerry Casler
01-22-2008, 11:52 AM
I want to apologize to Dustin if it seems I hijacked his thread.

Dustin Cranford
01-22-2008, 12:05 PM
Whatcha got?

Where in OK are you?

Greg I am in Ponca City.

Jerry don't worry about hijacking my thread. We are both in the same boat and same state so maybe someone can help us both out. Kind of like car pooling. :p

Greg Heppeard
01-22-2008, 12:51 PM

The closest turner's club that I know of is in Tulsa...North Easthern Oklahoma Wood Turners http://www.neowta.com

Dustin Cranford
01-22-2008, 1:41 PM
I have tried contacting them a few times by email and never get a reply. I'll try again and see what happens. I would go ahead and give a try alone, but you know how it goes sometimes it's better to learn the right way the first time rather than try and break bad habits later.

I actually have a downside to learning things like this. I can read all the books and watch all the videos I want and it never really clicks. Even back in my school days if I actually could watch someone do something I picked it up quick and was able to retain it. Guess everyone learns different. When I started turning pens a very nice gentleman in Shawnee invited me down for a day and taught me the basics. That was all it took to suck me into the abyss. Now that I have a hundred a so pens lying around the house I want to expand out. I find the bowl work you guys do very beautiful in itself and each piece seems to speak in it's own way. Or atleast that is how I see them.

Greg Heppeard
01-22-2008, 2:10 PM
I know a couple of the people personally...if you can't get a response from the club let me know and I'll contact them.