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View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
01-21-2008, 11:24 AM
Good Morning
21 Jan 2008

Wow...January is almost gone and it seems like it just showed up. I guess the older I get the faster time flies....or is it..the older I get the slower I am and the more time it takes to get anything done.?! :rolleyes:

No real woodworking for me as I'm involved in 2 special projects at the day job and neither one of them will be over until the end of February. I honestly haven't seen the inside of my shop in at least 3 weeks now. However, I did meet a guy that is working on one of the projects with me, he's a vendor, and said that his mother had a bunch of Black Walnut lumber and it belonged to his dad and that nothing was going to be done with the wood except for it to sit and rot away. I said that was a real shame to let good wood decay like that. Little did I know that he would come back later asking me if I wanted the lumber! I thought for about .000000001 seconds and said YES!!!!!! He said that the next time he was at his mother's place that he would load all the wood into his truck and bring it to me. I asked how much wood it was and he said that he thought it was at least a pickup truck load. :eek: :D

Sometimes it really "pays" to talk about woodworking at work. :rolleyes:

Spent a lot of time with the family and I'm really enjoying connecting with my kids as they grow older (well, I'm growing older too, but you know what I mean.) and we talk and do things together.

Well, that's it for me....so what did YOU do this weekend?

Stay warm and best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-21-2008, 11:41 AM
Got my DC system hung on the wall Saturday. Sunday started haning the pipe! Boy is it slow!

01-21-2008, 11:52 AM
After my debacle a couple weeks ago I got a new template for my vice from Lee Valley (along with an added gift :D). I spent Saturday building a quick and dirty table for my sons O-gauge train set from granny and mounting my vice and drilling holes in the bench.
Here's some shots of the two year in the making bench. The top is a Bally block second. It looked perfect when I got it, but I'm guessing the reason it's a second is it is severely twisted. After reading Chris Schwarz's book, I wouldn't have chosen this design again. But, it's a design based on a few different magazine articles from a few years ago. The base is massive with 3.5" square hickory legs. I've got the twist pretty well tamed on the top, but still have some work to do to get it acceptably flat. Leaving it a week at a time with an unfinished top and finished bottom isn't helping speed the process either.:rolleyes: But, the flattening is getting there and I should have finish on it and push it into position next week.


Bill Wyko
01-21-2008, 12:03 PM
This has been a few weekends but this is my weekend accomplishment. There's more pics in the turners forum.:)

Chuck Lenz
01-21-2008, 12:20 PM
I spent 7 hours sanding a old window about 2" wide x 4" high, the ones with the weights, that had about a 60 year old finish on it that someone top coated over the years. Some spots the finish brokeup like power as soon as you touched it, other spots were alot more stubburn. I'm doing this for a friend, I have one more window to go, base trim and two doors I'll probably strip then sand, then lay 3 coats of poly on all of it, then sand and refinish the floor. The room is small maybe 8' X 10". I'm not happy at all about the time it took to sand one window. If I charged what I should be chargeing it wouldn't be cost effective for the home owner, probably be about the same price if not less to instal a new window with a better R value. I don't know how I get myself into this kind of BS, but it is really wearing on me. I've refinished alot of antique furniture over the years, so it's not like I'm a rookie at refinishing things. My faith in makeing a respectable wage at woodworking is just about out the door. This is one of the reasons I'm not rushing out to replace my 13 year old Delta Contractors tablesaw for a cabinet tablesaw, theres no money and very little respect from the public in it. You'd think I would of learned by now.

Lee Koepke
01-21-2008, 12:27 PM
built cross-cut sled
cut all my new stair treads
stained all my new stair treads
painted my plywood wall
built a miter guage extension
miscut some pieces for a game board i am doing
recut the pieces
different miscut the next time.
considered giving up that darn project !! haha

Chuck Lenz
01-21-2008, 12:39 PM
Very nice Bill.

Jim Becker
01-21-2008, 1:09 PM
Productive weekend. I finished up the purpleheart and figured maple nightstands (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=72333&page=3), got started cutting sheet goods for the addition wet bar, terminated the LAN and Video cables in the addition's IDF, watched Spy Kids and Spy Kids 2 with the girls and had some outstanding Japanese cuisine.

Oh, I ordered the LG Steamwasher and LG Steamdryer for the addition at the 'Depot on Friday night. Went in to buy a few trinkets and discovered a 10% off sale with a $250 gift card rebate plus a $55 rebate that cancels out the delivery/setup charge. A very nice add-on sale to the $46 ticket I rang up first. LOL

David Duke
01-21-2008, 1:33 PM
Finally got started on the pantry cabinet project for the LOML, Sunday worked on said cabinets and watched a little football.

Dave Avery
01-21-2008, 4:30 PM
Finally finished a dresser I've been working (and not working) on for over a year. Pics posted as soon as I figure out why my new Nikon D40 standard lens isn't working :(

Fred Voorhees
01-21-2008, 8:24 PM
No woodworking this week. The kitchen cabinet project was put on hold so that my wife and I could work a motorsports exposition in Atlantic City, NJ from Thursday night through Sunday evening. I met up with a number of national and local driving stars and I have posted the pics in this thread in the Off Topic forum.

Matt Meiser
01-21-2008, 9:06 PM
No woodworking for me. We spent a long weekend in Vegas visiting friends and doing both the normal Vegas stuff as well as off-strip stuff--visited casinos, Hoover Dam, etc. Managed to get my daughter and wife tickets to Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus (concert of the year for young girls) at MGM Grand. The casino gods (godfathers?) smiled on me and will allow for a very nice tool purchase :D

Jim O'Dell
01-21-2008, 9:28 PM
LOML and I drove to Pauls Valley OK on Sat to our nephew's 2nd birthday party. Also did the late Christmas exchange with her Dad and his wife. Drove around Pauls Valley in a Model A and froze my tookus off. I'm sick today, and that's probably most of the reason. Sunday picked up a foster dog from one of our foster families, picked up a couple things at Fry's, ate lunch, other errands on the way home. Then I went to the shop for about 5 minutes and installed the drawer and door knobs for the built in bench, and router table. Too cold, came back in and watched football. That was it for me! Jim.

Kelly C. Hanna
01-21-2008, 10:44 PM
I sanded and finished a chest for the wife after many weeks of not being in the shop...sure felt good being out there.

Greg Just
01-21-2008, 10:53 PM
The mantel needs a few coats of poly and the walls and stone need to be washed, then this phase of the basement project is done!

Dave Cohen
01-21-2008, 10:57 PM
This has been a few weekends but this is my weekend accomplishment. There's more pics in the turners forum.:)

thats beautiful...and I "was" happy I made this this weekend (til I saw that):


Seriously....I know nothing about turning, just curious how you start to make something like that...do you glue it all up as one solid square block with all the patterns in it, then turn it into a round vessel? I can't see any other way.

Tyler Howell
01-22-2008, 2:17 PM
Lots of shop time but it was all cleaning, packing and painting.
Have a safe week.

Brent Ring
01-22-2008, 2:23 PM
Not much shop time - Officiated 2 college hockey games, and 5 other tournament games. Officiating hockey gets me extra resources for the shop. I did get the doors for a media cabinet stained and the first coat of wipe-on applied.

Russ Sears
01-22-2008, 2:32 PM
I finished this: http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/8590/routerbitboxwd2.th.jpg (http://img527.imageshack.us/my.php?image=routerbitboxwd2.jpg)

It was made from some scrap oak dunnage from a pallet rack delivery. The oak was rough-sawn, about 2" x 3" x 40". Took me about 3 weekends.
Finish is amber shellac.

Actually it's not quite finished. It needs some handles but I haven't figured out what I want to do.

Justin McCurdy
01-22-2008, 4:29 PM
I was able to clear about a 4'x4' area in the shop leaving me with the knowledge that I have room for a bandsaw if I was to purchase one. The wife said I can buy one but that would kill my tool budget for the year (yeah, right). Now I just need to figure out used, Steel City 14" granite w/ riser, or Grizzly 17" Extreme. I suppose I'll just keep comparing for the time being.

Also scored 200 bd ft of cherry that I am going to pick up next weekend.

Benjamin Dahl
01-22-2008, 4:35 PM
Worked on setting up a vacuum chuck. project took longer than expected but pretty much done.