View Full Version : Screwdrivers

David Walser
01-21-2008, 11:21 AM
While these two screwdrivers are not my first projects, they are the first since last February! (It's been an incredibly busy year at work.) I made them from kits sold by Rockler. (The kits are good quality and I recommend them, but uou can save some money by buying four-in-one screwdrivers with plastic handles and cutting the handles off.) The kits are a good excuse to practice your spindle turning skills.

The handles were made from red oak (from the face frames of some kitchen cabinets we removed when remodeling some time ago -- I told my wife I'd use that wood!) and poplar. Note that the ferrules are different on the two screwdrivers. That's my fault, not Rocklers. With the one on the right (my first) I turned the tenon too small for the ferrule that came with the kit. I "saved" the blank by making a ferrule from a copper pipe fitting.

These are not my best work and I'd appreciate any comments and suggestions. It's good to get back into the shop!

Jason Clark2
01-21-2008, 11:41 AM
Nice photo. :D


Tom Sherman
01-21-2008, 11:50 AM
David it looks like you have a couple of nice useful tools there. The lamination looks good and your turning does as well. You don't have to tell on yourself when you turn a tenon to small who's gonna know but you. Nice work.

David Walser
01-21-2008, 11:51 AM
Nice photo. :D


Yes, I have all my work professionally photographed. My photographer is easy to work with and his prices cannot be beat. The man's really talented and has two cute little kids. Even better, he's a fellow turner, so he knows how to show off my work in his photos.

(For those of you missing the inside joke, Jason's our club photographer. He's razing me for using the photo he took for our instant gallery. Still, everything I said about him is true.)

Bill Bolen
01-21-2008, 12:13 PM
For "not you best work" they look awfully good to me. I got a few of those kits for xmas and forgot all about them. Thanks for the reminder. Photo is excellent to boot!...Bill...

Bernie Weishapl
01-21-2008, 1:34 PM
I was going to say the same thing. For not being your best those are some great turnings. Well done.

Ben Gastfriend
01-21-2008, 2:21 PM
They look really good! I just did one of those for my grandfather and he really liked it. Your lamination looks good also!

David Walser
01-21-2008, 2:33 PM
Thanks for all the kind words. I appreciate the encouragement.

Paul Engle
01-21-2008, 2:37 PM
Nice lookin stuff, the proof is not how they look but how they feel in your hand and if you can transfer the torque to the bit with out cussin out the driver....or sliping etc.

Clem Wixted
01-21-2008, 8:04 PM
...but you can save some money by buying four-in-one screwdrivers with plastic handles and cutting the handles off.

Note that the ferrules are different on the two screwdrivers. That's my fault, not Rocklers. With the one on the right (my first) I turned the tenon too small for the ferrule that came with the kit. I "saved" the blank by making a ferrule from a copper pipe fitting.


Most of the 4-in-1 screwdrivers are usually 6-in-1. The small and large screwdriver ends are 1/4 and 5/16 nut drivers.

I just read about how to fix small tenons. This guy wrapped cloth around the tenon and glued it onto the tenon and when it dried slid the ferule into place. It might work.


Jack Ganssle
01-22-2008, 8:42 AM
Nice work, David. I've been wondering about screwdriver handles. How do you fasten the steel into the wood so it won't slip when under torque?