View Full Version : DC connector question

Michael Weber
01-19-2008, 6:42 PM
Previous post showed my new one wall DC system, the parts of which were purchased at auction. Included in the misc. parts and connectors were these pictured below. Not sure what they are but appear to be cut from some kind of pipe. The OD is the same as the green DWV pipe but the wall is much thicker. The ID is the exact size of the flange on the 4 inch blast gates. I had been told I would have to use flex hose on each side of all gates to connect them into the piping. But using these, the OD fits tightly into the 4 inch DWV pipe fitting and the gate flange fits very tightly into the ID. The inside of the fitting is very textured as shown but the gates fit tight enough there is no leakage. Once together it is difficult to separate, the fit is so perfect. The second picture shows the items assembled (but not fully seated). Are these a commercial solution for this application, pieces of another kind of pipe or.....? Anyone know? I thought the texturing inside was odd. I would like to come up with a few more. Thanks.

Steve Clardy
01-19-2008, 7:58 PM
PVC Sewer and Drain pipe.
Green is thinner walled.
Theres schedule 40 and 80. 80 is heavier pipe.

All home centers and plumbing supply co's carry those items

Jim O'Dell
01-19-2008, 7:59 PM
Hmmm. Don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. The texture is odd. Not sure why a pipe would have that, Can you tell what type of material it is? If fiberglass, that may account for the bumps. Sounds like someone knew just what to use to make the two items join together though. Good luck in finding some more, and remember to report back to us if you find out what it is! Jim.

Jim O'Dell
01-19-2008, 8:02 PM
Steve, I haven't looked at the SDR35 green pipe...does it have a textured interior? Looks like the ..um...you know, would stick on it as it travels down the pipe. :D Jim.

Steve Clardy
01-19-2008, 8:05 PM
Steve, I haven't looked at the SDR35 green pipe...does it have a textured interior? Looks like the ..um...you know, would stick on it as it travels down the pipe. :D Jim.

Umm. What would stick? :confused:;):D:D:D

Most I've seen is not textured like that.
I do have a stick that is, up in the ceiling for a crossover pipe to my 3phase lathe.

Maybe it was just some misfit pipe? Don't know.

Michael Weber
01-19-2008, 8:41 PM
Umm. What would stick? :confused:;):D:D:D

Maybe it was just some misfit pipe? Don't know.

Great, sounds like I have deviant sewer pipe:eek::eek::eek:. The texture really is odd and I can't think what it's purpose would be. It does appear to be PVC just like the thinner stuff. Maybe it is just a thicker wall sewer pipe but then why not just use it for the pipe instead of using it for adapters? Cost?

Steve Clardy
01-19-2008, 8:44 PM

Maybe take a chunk down to a plumbing supply store and ask what it is fer sure.

Don't know current S&D prices as my piping has been up for several years now.