View Full Version : Dust collector

Ron Bontz
01-17-2008, 10:59 PM
I am not sure if this should be a new thread or not. I just read some of Bill Pentz's article and must confess the eyes were glazing over. I can only say I had no idea. I suspect this is why I have been having more resp. infections/ problems in recent years. So I am left with a burning question. Are there any commercially available dust collectors out there that will do a good job and not break my piggy bank? The wood working show is coming up here in St. Louis so guess what I'll be looking at? It's been quite a few years since I had college physics, calculus etc. so I am not looking for a lot of pencil work. I am also curious how anyone can afford the heating bill when you vent outside the shop? I have a detached garage 22x24 working area I have to heat in the winter. I would appreciate some advice on this matter since this is one area I am sorely lacking in knowledge and practice. I currently run a delta 50-850 1&1/2 hp 1250cfm collector that goes into 2 4" pipes. One for each side of the shop. I at least know I should have 6". I also have a JDS 8/12 air cleaner which I use probably 50% of the time, depending on what I am cutting and what tool I am using. I'll be using that air cleaner a lot more often. Thanks in advance for any guidance my feeble brain may absorb.

Chuck Lenz
01-17-2008, 11:24 PM
If your running one machine at a time the CFM you have now is probably adequate, but then again I don't know what your layout is. Either way no matter what you do your not going to get all the dust with a dust collector and a air filtration unit. Not saying they aren't important, the DC will keep it manageable and the air filtration unit will eventually get most of the fine stuff floating around, but in alot cases a dust mask is a good idea until the air clears. This is the one I use, it seals up pretty good and wasn't too expensive, about $15. http://www.aearo.com/aosafety.com/diy/resp_detail.cfm?con_prod_num=95190&con_family_id=6&con_platform_id=1

Rob Will
01-18-2008, 12:24 AM
Wondering if he can add a Wynn filter to that unit?


Dave MacArthur
01-18-2008, 12:40 AM
Ron--I honestly think most of your questions are answered at Bill's website. Not trying to be short, but these questions always seem to generate argument, especially the "which one should i buy?"--they always degenerate to folks arguing that various numbers and standards are too high, or foolish, etc... so, I would recommend digging into Mr. Pentz website a bit more first ;)

Here's a quick answer for you though:\
1. Your current DC is pretty decent! It will get chips, most dust, and filter decently overnight etc.., BUT it probably won't get the micron sized stuff without hoods. Buy a respirator for the single quick fix.
2. Vent outside if possible. If heating is issue, forcing you to vent inside and thus filter the exhaust, THEN 95% of all the argumentive stuff comes into play!
3. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showpost.php?p=736339&postcount=89
The above link is the best single post I've ever seen Bill make to sum up "What should I do/buy?", think it will be most helpful to you as a starting spot--really pretty much what you're asking I think.
Good luck!

Joe Chritz
01-18-2008, 12:49 AM
I don't know that unit or the bags/filters you have but the pipe you have is the biggest weak point most likely.

A 6" pipe has over 2 times the area of a 4" pipe. 12.56" vs 28.26" and as long as the unit can maintain the air speed, bigger is almost always better.

Upgrade the pipe and the unit would most likely do very well with one machine at a time.


Chris Friesen
01-18-2008, 12:57 AM
So I am left with a burning question. Are there any commercially available dust collectors out there that will do a good job and not break my piggy bank?...I am also curious how anyone can afford the heating bill when you vent outside the shop?

For recirculating the air the ideal solution is a cyclone and a set of good filters. You're looking at well over a grand for this option. Also a possibility is a bag collector with really good oversized bags that you move around from tool to tool. This second option will require more care and attention and more frequent cleanings but will be cheaper.

As for venting outside, if you're in Arizona or something similar there is no heating bill.

For those of us with actual winter (I'm up in Canada) it's a trickier proposition. However even so depending on how much you run the collector, how much it costs for heat, and what the temperature difference is between the shop air and the outside air, it can end up being cheaper over the short term to simply blast all the dust outside.