View Full Version : router table flatness with picks

keith ouellette
01-17-2008, 3:43 PM
I am trying to find out if my table could be causing this. It seems as if the rail is being cut wrong because it isn't hitting the cutter on an even plain.
What do you think?

Rod Sheridan
01-17-2008, 4:36 PM
I would check the following;

- stock absolutely straight and square?
- fence square to table?
- router spindle square to table?
- router bit profiles actualy are correct?
- coped piece held securely in sled with clamps?

When running stiles in the shaper, I normally take 1mm off the entire edge, with the outfeed fence offset by that amount to make sure that the stile is actually straight and square.

Regards, Rod.

Bill Huber
01-17-2008, 4:40 PM
Could it be the router is not square with the table.
On my old Bosch table I put a 1/4 in drill bit in the router and checked it with a square to the table and it was off, front to back and a slit bit side to side. I had to shim the router a little to get it square but it did work.

Where I first noticed it was when I trimmed the edge of a board, it was not square so that got me checking things.

Just a thought....

keith ouellette
01-17-2008, 5:36 PM
Could it be the router is not square with the table.
On my old Bosch table I put a 1/4 in drill bit in the router and checked it with a square to the table and it was off, front to back and a slit bit side to side. I had to shim the router a little to get it square but it did work.

Where I first noticed it was when I trimmed the edge of a board, it was not square so that got me checking things.

Just a thought....

Thats a good idea. I'm going to look at it that way.

Mike Marcade
01-17-2008, 10:03 PM
Same issue with my Bosch router. I had to shim one side with a .020" shim. I checked mine with a dial indicator chucked into the collet.