View Full Version : Tutorials

Alex Elias
01-16-2008, 10:40 PM
With the amount of information here and people willing to share it, I wander why not have a place where to store the tutorials people make.
I spend a lot of time on the penturners forums and both of the ones I frequent have a tutorial files. The amout and quality of info is great.
I think some times users might be reluctant to make a lenghty quality tutorial that will be burried by time short after posted.
Unless we have one already and I'm clueless about it. What are your thought about it. May be one for flat work, finishing and turning.
Good, bad, or ugly?

Steve Schlumpf
01-16-2008, 10:51 PM
Alex, I'm getting some info (Thanks Jim!) on how to post a tutorial and hope to have something posted in another couple of days. I agree that it would be nice to have a way to find existing tutorials and it might be as simple as including the word 'tutorial' in the title - allowing folks to do a search.

It will be good to see what everyone would like!

Robert McGowen
01-16-2008, 11:28 PM
Maybe I am missing something, but if you go to Woodworking Articles and Reviews forum (second from bottom on my computer) you can find tutorials there. I guess it could be titled a little better to let people know what all is in there. The first sticky at the top explains how to get your article posted. Good luck.........

Andy Hoyt
01-16-2008, 11:41 PM
Alex - lately the bulk of them have started out right here as a plain old thread and then when the response to it and the nature of the tutorial is deemed worthy (by you guys) we can copy it over to the articles forum.

Keith Outten
01-17-2008, 4:58 AM
If you would like to publish an article or tutorial here our Articles Forum is the best place. You will need to develope a web page based on the style you will see when you visit other people's articles. Once your web design and pictures are ready to publish you need to zip the files up and send them to me. I will create your new thread, upload your web pages to our server and provide the link to your pages in your thread.
