View Full Version : Another Cherry Bowl #21

steven carter
01-16-2008, 9:35 AM
This is a cherry bowl I made for my friend Gary Finch. Gary has been the guy with the pick up truck who hauled the cherry tree from the golf course to my house (as well as the guy I trade money with on the course - lately he has been on the receiving end more often than not :mad:, as I have been in a bit of a funk) Gary is the one guy who I can get to play even when the temperature is in the 30s. Bowl is 9" x 4" finished with home brew oil and buffed. This is the first bowl that I used my new donut chuck on to finish the bottom. Thanks for looking comments welcome.

Steve Schlumpf
01-16-2008, 9:54 AM
Steve - good looking bowl - great looking cherry! I also like your finish! Very nice work!

Rich Stewart
01-16-2008, 10:06 AM
Real pretty bowl. He'll like it. Good to have a friend like that.

Bernie Weishapl
01-16-2008, 10:49 AM
Great looking bowl Steven. Form and finish are great. He is going to like it.

Mike A. Smith
01-16-2008, 12:51 PM
That's a good one Steven! Start playing him for turnings vs cash until you get your swing back!

Ben Gastfriend
01-16-2008, 2:55 PM
Really nice bowl, really nice finish! Good job!

Tom Sherman
01-16-2008, 6:07 PM
Good looking bowl Steve, I'm sure that your friend will be pleased.

Alex Elias
01-16-2008, 11:36 PM
Lucky Gary. Very nice work

Brad Hammond
01-17-2008, 12:04 AM
i love that finish! great work! very pretty

Don Vito
01-17-2008, 12:08 AM
So what is the finish that you used?

Nice bowl by the way....

steven carter
01-17-2008, 7:56 AM

I have been making an oil finish out of equal parts or blo, gloss urethane, and mineral spirits. This runs me about $8-$9 per gallon and I can't tell any difference from regular danish oil, except it seems to cure a little faster. The urethane I use is fast drying, so maybe that is the difference. Anyway I like it on all the wood I've tried so far (walnut, maple, and cherry).

Frank Kobilsek
01-17-2008, 8:31 AM

Good Bowl. But I have to tell you that the farther you get into the abyss of turning the less and less golf you will play. 3 years ago I dropped my membership and last year my clubs didn't make the trip up from the basement. All my best golf towels are now shop towels used to keep tools from rolling off the workbench. I wish I could say turning was a cheaper hobby but I can't.

The fall from golf may take longer for you if you are one of those 30 degree guys, that's just not fun IMHO.


Steve Campbell
01-17-2008, 7:25 PM
That's a wonderful bowl. It sure is nice to have good friends. Hope you can get some of your money back on the course. Your going to need it.


Bill Bolen
01-18-2008, 1:43 AM
Cherry is my favorite turning wood and you have more than done this piece justice! Your friend should love it, I do. Great shape,finish and color!...bill...