View Full Version : Not square bowl

Dennis Ford
01-15-2008, 8:14 PM
This bowl is live oak, turned green and finished with lacquer after drying. It is just over 17 " from corner to corner. The live oak was very nice to turn. ;)

Mike A. Smith
01-15-2008, 9:39 PM
Very nice Dennis! Those still look scary to me.

Bernie Weishapl
01-15-2008, 10:29 PM
Great looking bowl. Winged bowls are a lot of fun but kinda scary.

Jon Lanier
01-15-2008, 10:47 PM
Looks great! Question though, if that is "live" oak, does that mean it'll be sprouting soon? :rolleyes:

Steve Schlumpf
01-16-2008, 12:00 AM
Nice looking bowl Dennis! I like the way you managed to keep the natural edge and bark! The shape make me think it must have sung to you while you were turning it! Great attention getter! Nice work!

Dave Stoler
01-16-2008, 6:52 AM
I can,t wait to give that form a try..Very nice!
How about filling it with acorns?;)

Dale Gregory
01-16-2008, 8:13 AM
Great job, like the NE:), that's a nice twist to the winged design.
