View Full Version : First Shot at Bowl Turning

Guy Germaine
01-15-2008, 6:55 PM
Certainly not up to the caliber of work that most of you put out, but here are my first attempts at turning bowls.



How'd I do?

Ken Fitzgerald
01-15-2008, 7:04 PM
I'd say it's better than my first bowls! Nicely done Guy! I lke them both.

Brad Hammond
01-15-2008, 7:42 PM
great start!! whole lots better than my first too!!

Steve Schlumpf
01-15-2008, 7:50 PM
Guy - nice work!

I still have some of my first bowls (I keep them hiden away down in a dark corner of my shop) and honestly - your bowls look pretty good! Make sure you sign them and hang onto them cause 'first' only happens once. Plus - you'll be amazed at how much your turning changes with a little time and practice! Always nice to have the original - then you can measure the progress!

Have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing some more of your work!

Mike A. Smith
01-15-2008, 8:10 PM
That's some really good stuff for your first time around!

Jim Becker
01-15-2008, 8:13 PM
A good start! And I'm sure you're "hooked" now...the "vortex" is strong!

Suggestion...turn a LOT of the second form to develop your "turning muscle" so it's automatic. Work on continuous curves and keeping your wall thickness even, even if it's a bit thicker for awhile. Practice is one of the keys to good turning!

Bernie Weishapl
01-15-2008, 10:30 PM
That is a great start. My first couple I wouldn't even post. Great job.

Paul Engle
01-16-2008, 9:53 AM
Nice work , I keep my first bowl/s hidden in Steves deep dark corner .... also.As you get better you will notice the tear out getting less and less. and the 80 grit gouge does not get used as much. I know I wore out several of em on my first bowls....:eek::D, I found the flapper gouges work best on the interior ...80 grt and 120 grt.....at full tilt boogy with the lathe at low speed.

robert hainstock
01-16-2008, 11:40 AM
I agree with Steve and others, tou will alwys have the gage of your present work. I dug out some of my first ones recently, and I can honestly say "the times they are a changin". :):)

Tom Sherman
01-16-2008, 5:52 PM
You've received some good advice so far Guy. You have some nice looking bowls there and practice will only make them better. Welcome to the frey.

Ben Gastfriend
01-16-2008, 6:50 PM
Ooooh! That's a nice jointer.... oh, the bowls!

These look really nice! Keep them coming! I can hear the vortex swirling!:D